What happen when you get your spell?

I'm scared. And I'm single 12.HELP!

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It's ok. It's different for everyone, and if you hold really painful period, there are remedies for that. You're not alone, I be freaked my first time. I suggest you talk to a institution nurse or your mom, some adult feminine you trust, who can help you get the drift what's going on. Good luck!

Birth control recommendations?

welll gurl you get it good! i started @ 11.but dont be anxious...its just a lil bit of dull pain, and a lil bit of blood

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Dont verbs. Its not that bad at first. Usually it starts out resembling you have a cut or something, but adjectives you need is a wad. You will be just fine.

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well not a whole lot happen...but i reccomend talking to a doctor or your mom something like this topic.
they are trustworthy and very expierienced.

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blood and other tissue comes out of your vagina=)

Question about Birth Control Pills.?

relax blood comes out of your vagina and you receive a little tummy smarting (cramps)
you usually wear a tampon which you put inside your vagina or you wear a pad that feel like a diaper and stiks to your underwear
here are also cups to put in your vagina but not masses people use that.
it last usually around 3-7+ days
you should get it anytime in a minute or maybe when your sixteen or 17. you never know

Why do i obtain very prickly menstrual cramps before my period(two weeks before) when i exercise?

don't verbs. nothing happens
thats a honest site
good luck

13 years mature and no Period?

You bleed, and you may have cramps, which grain like an tender in your lower tummy. A couple of pain reliever usually assist with the cramps. Your spell can last from a few days to a week- it starts sour heavy and get lighter as it ends. My periods be irregular the first few years, but now I catch them around the same time every month. Don't be scared- you achieve used to it. It's better to start off using pad until you know how your period works and how heavily you bleed. Then you can move to tampons. There are directions within the box or you can ask your mom or a friend who's been through it.

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Have you not have a class in college or conversations with your mom or another trusted elder female friend? I am sure your mom would be more than sunny to talk to you roughly what to expect and you will get more accurate correct information that agency.

If you don't feel comfortable, you can contact me.

My friend only just had a miscarriage and I don't know what to enunciate.?

i haven't had it on the other hand either but i hold a pad contained by my backpack just surrounded by case it happen at school. and other have a jacket near you so you can tie it around your waist if it happens at college. if you're worried about cramps, some women don't really even budge through a lot of anguish while others may go through a great deal. it depends on if your mom has impossible cramps. you can read more about it here: http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/grow/body_...

i hope i could oblige. "U

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well...you will bleed.and you probably will procure some cramps around your stomach area..you might even bloat somewhat before you bring back it in a few days

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Honey there is nil to be scared of if anything once you bring it you'll be more mad next scared. I hope I dont cause offence you but your mom or someone or you health lecturer haven't sat you down to convey you about the together period piece. But any when you do come on it. You'll have cramps and formulate sure you get you some pad or tampons (which ever one you prefer). An also know that you can have a tot once you start your period.

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Essentially your period is your uterus's channel of cleaning itself out. When your period starts it way that your body is ready for children. However, that does not denote YOU are ready for a infant! What will happen is that you will bleed for several days once a month. Use a calendar to preserve track of when it starts each month so that you will be prepared for it to start. It should start around matching time each month.

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If I grasp this correctly
That's when a woman's sentence begins

Why do I quality this way?!!?

blood comes out of your vagina( second hole) and afterwards u use a pad to detain the blood or tampon

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Oh, u r just getting your spell. Don't be alarmed, some girls get theirs early than that. Go tell your mom and stir to the store to get some pad. Your body is changing, it's totally common.

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I got mine at 11. Well zilch really happens. You might gain PMS which is moodyness. You might cry more easy or capture mad comfortable. You also might get cramps.

Im a guy who wishes to be a girl any tips to help?

lots of things appear when you get your interval. your body starts to change, at first its wierd but next you get used to it..
dont be alarmed..

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