Dark brown spotting one week before spell?

Hello. I am 22 years old and own been on the pill for roughly 4 years now. I missed a pill a few days ago, took it that hours of darkness when i remembered and then took the pill the regular time the subsequent day. I own not had sex since the missed pill and I don't usually miss pills. Well yesterday I started have dark brown spotting and really discouraging cramps. I'm not supossed to start my period for a week.
Is it due to the missed pill or could I be pregnant? Kinda freaking out here.

LADIES, interval question?

It is run of the mill. Your body was preparing for your time, hence the old blood. You should be fine. You can other call your doctor, if you are worried.

Messed Up Discharge>?

it is out-of-date blood from the last time = also your body thought it was going into spell time=nothing to worry something like

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Don't panic, "sptting" is run of the mill when you miss a pill or have only started taking the pill. I regullarly forget to take my pill and i bring to a close up with the spotting, follwed next to severe cramp. I'd say im 99% sure you are def not pregnant :)

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As a nurse and would tell you it's probably breakthrough bleeding and to be precise related to hormones not necessarily pregnancy. But never hurts to take a pregnancy tryout; if it's been more than 14 days since you concluding had sex and its denial you should most likely be out of the woods.

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