LADIES, period cross-examine?

I have a spell that lasts 7-8 Days and its really substantial. Not to mention is seems similar to I only procure about a week or so during the month when my boobs dont hurt. Is in that anyway to naturally receive your period shorter or lighter and take home my boobs not so tender ALL the time. My mom wont let me walk on birth control for it either. OR any accepted wisdom how to convince her?

My doctor tore my cervix due to her care? what do i do in a minute?

try and explain to your mother, if you are bleeding that heavy you are losing iron. oodles women are put on birth control to lighten the period to lessen the iron lost. losing iron can make you anemic. anemia can head to
Feel weak and tire out more glibly.
Feel dizzy.
Be irritable.
Have headaches.
Look vastly pale.
Feel short of breath.
Have trouble concentrating.
i hold no answer for a natural route to deal near it. try takin motrin atleast 2 days BEFORE your period is to start to aid combat the symptoms. good luck

My interval was track lighter than normal this month, could I be pregnant?

Try taking a hot tub. I was gunna utter BC but your mom won't let you. Umm this might nouns gross but, try massaging your breasts at darkness, it helped me. Also try a cramp reliever like advil.

i hoped i help, if you need anything else. lately ask.

Ok so my period..?

Heavy period on women are normal. My sister suffered from a calorific long period when she be younger and the doctors couldn't give her anything but birth control. The birth control stopped her extent but it had humiliated side effects. If there are abiding times where you are contained by pain due to your term you should try taking some anti-inflammatory pills like acetaminophen to back lessen the flow. But be careful that you check how much iron is contained by your blood because if you lose too much iron you can become anemic, which makes everything much worse. You could also try some pure anti-inflammatory herbs close to ginger, turmeric, pokeroot, cleavers, devil's claw, bromelain or German chamomile. Good luck!

I did my first bikin line wax and in a minute i have puple and red dots and bumps and it looks realy repugnant! HELP?

go see the doctor, they can tell you everythin roughly your period and present you something to make it lighted, and its more personal than asking on here, gd lk!

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