I have a pimple on my labia and it hurts! I hold tried to burst it but it hurts worse and bleeds what can I do

It has be there for something like 4 months or more and I thought that it might just stir away but it didn't. I thought that it might be an ingrown hair but I really can't convey. It hurts and irritates me on a daily principle.

Fewer or no periods?

About 25 years ago I have this same problem and I was startled to death (thinking roughly speaking the things the other answers mentioned.) I finally went to a doctor and it be an ingrown hair that have become inflamed/irritated. The doctor removed it and no more problem! Definitely go see your doc.


you call for to see a doctor, it doesn't sound similar to its a pimple, it sounds like herpes.

Girls lone please!~?

That doesn't sound similar to a pimple, it sounds like a massively irritated genital wart. See your gyno and have it removed. Also, ask him if you should nick anything/get vaccinated for HPV.

PCOS ask?

A pimple would not last 4 months or more. Don't irritate it further by trying to pop it and bring back an appointment with your doctor. Hope you grain better soon!

Prolonged monthly period?

If you are surrounded by that much pain you probably involve to go to the doctor to capture checked out for it. Maybe he or she can give you some medication for it. If you pick at it it will probably achieve worse so the best thing to do is progress to the doctor. Try to leave it alone.

Having trouble beside tampons (girls only)?

Sounds like you contracted a herpes virus.But its complicated to tell until you see the doctor.If your infected i would ask your partner to see if he have it too

Can you still bleed if?

Its not just a pimple, be in motion the the doctor immediately as it could obtain worse, also dont squeeze it anymore you can cause even more of an infection.

I'm have a breast reduction on May 30. And i would approaching to know what size should i go down?

Hi look the best bet is to want medical opinion coz adjectives we can do is speculate, it could be ingrowing hair( not likely) then again HPV is not to be discounted...or even a sebaceous cyst progress to Doctors cheers

Blood clottings?

Is it on top of the skin or underneath?I had what is call a bartholin cyst.It felt close to a lump on my labia and it hurt so bad that i couldn't do anything.The dr. said that my lubricating gland become infected.That was the first time i cried when getting examed by my gyn. My antibiotics didn't work and it get bigger,so i ended up have emergency surgery.please let me know what's going on.

Vacation and My Period?

Get thee to a gyno, sister.

Normal or not?

Four months! Doesn't nouns like a pimple to me! I would acquire over to your local health department for a culture. Good luck! There is help out! Don't wait and be surrounded by pain! :(

I take ingrown hairs sometimes and they enjoy lasted for around a week.

Help fast!!?

It may be a genital wart, it may be an infected ingrown hair(which hurts really bad), herpes, but anything it is, go to the doctor. The worse point to happen is that they are going to swab and run a check and tell you exactly what it is. Good luck

Poly cystic ovarian syndrome?

That doesn't nouns like a pimple. (it would hold gone away a long time ago) Go to a doctor. Is it possible that you might have gotten an STD?

The nouns around my nipple has scabs around it. what could it be?

AH I SOOOO get the impression your pain!
I have a LARGE pimple on my labia I was getting pretty worried almost. It got to the size of a pea. I tried popping it, but it hurt process too bad. So, I have as hot of a bath as I could button, and soaked in it. Then, get a mirror, and squeezed the pimple in the hot hose. When it popped, it was gross- pus and blood adjectives over.
it came spinal column like a week next, and I did the same- hot bath, popped it. Also, after I popped it, I put some hydrogen peroxide on it to slaughter infection. then slathered on some antibiotic oil. Still it came backbone! When you pop it, it might hurt, but it needs to be done-- and it will bleed, but maintain squeezing it, after some blood comes out, some pus should also come out then it will stop bleeding.

I have to pop it like 4 times back it finally went away. It COULD be an ingrown down, mine was- but I found that out after I popped it the 4th time, I saw (in the mirror) a little coat pop out of it, so I pulled it with tweezers, and it be like an inch long.

Sounds gross, and I guess it is. But, try what I did. If it doesn't work, move about see a dr.

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