Short period?

I'm 23, and I filch the pill next to strict discipline, I enjoy never ever missed a single pill in over 2 years immediately. But lately my period are getting shorter. Sometimes it last 5 to 6 days which is the regular span, 4 days, which is suitable, 3 which is ok, but this final extent with the sole purpose last almost 1 1/2 days. It be run of the mill flow but not really unhealthy. I'm used to have mundane period. What could this be? Could I be pregnant? Has anyone hear of someone who get their period every 28 days, be on the pill and still gotten pregnant? Serious give somebody the third degree please don't write things that do not contribute. Thanks

On the pill for 2 days and finishing year of interval?

Yes, relatives are know to achieve pregnant on the pill.Every contraceptive have a occasion that you may become pregnant,i.e. true.But my time of year stay on sometimes 2,or 3 days.I don't enjoy a long spell at adjectives. yes mine come on every 28 days. Sometimes strees can raison d`??tre you to hold short period also. You requirement to jump to your regular healthcare provider and aim more information,and describe them what happen.

What is the best after attention following the stripping of varicose vein?

Could be breakthru bleeding, could be your body is varying and you involve a lower/higher dose of bc pills. I doubt your pregnant but next to the pills alot happen, i in recent times get bad a 2 week extent so i switched. If you want a doctors assessment and inclined to rate 9 bucks, you can step to one help me harmony my fears and he be right

how to put on freight inside a month?

hi, no I don't cogitate you are pregnant,and if you be, bleeding cause abortion. anyway if you have regular time freshly avoid intercourse between 11 and 15 year of ovulation and you will not catch pregnant. give somebody a lift prudence.

Have you ever taken Prometrium?

that shouldt be a problem. if it continues resembling that i would shift and see a doctor.

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