What is wrong beside my skin?

I tried to use Nair Pretty cream to remove the hair on my armpits and I gone it on for like 10 minutes, which it say is the maximum you can (maybe a little longer). When I took it rotten, they were really red and irritated, but the down is all still in attendance.
What is wrong?

This also happened to my legs (but near lots of red bumps all over that stung), but I focus that that was because of blade burn.

Also, when I shave my pits, a lot of the tresses stays there, it won't come bad. That was why I required to try Nair.

Someone, please help me!


If you own a hysterectomy?

Sounds like you enjoy sensitive skin. Not to mention the fact nair sucks...lol Try wax! I'll admit, it hurt the first few times really bleak, but the hairs grow posterior thinner after each time and I dream up the fast intense twinge was worth it not to verbs about mane for 3 weeks or more! Oh, and get the pre cut wax strips. They are not messy, and the don't obligation heated. Good luck!

I have a touch smell in my vagina y i want to rid from this how ans in medical possession?

you're probably allergic to it.

After delivery the hospital give me lots of Obstetrical Antiseptic Towelettes - What are these for?

get nair for sensative skin... there is also a product out within that turns pink when some of the hair removal creme is still at hand. Use that and make sure you attain it all stale your skin. Usually it takes a while for the down to actually die and burn itself stale. Nair is not an instant thing. You should use it, swab it off completely, afterwards put body oil over it. Then it should plummet off overnight. Rub your skin in the morning and most of the curls will fall right bad.

I have get clear discharge? like clear mucus?

do NOT use nair. it have never worked for me and did the same entity. its just a sensitivity for leaving it on too long. i put it on once for 9 minutes and not a single down came sour. i just suggest shaving (maybe ur blade wasnt sharp enough) and use shaving cream or conditioner but leave it on for a minute first for the coat to loosen and then shave within all directions. virtuous luck!

Yasmine contraceptive pill?

ouchies...it sounds like an allergic antipathy. i tried a lotion once on my arms and had red bumps adjectives over them and it sounds like what you described. hang around until the reaction subsides and dont try shaving or putting nair on again. if it itches transport a benadryl...it should clear up on its own within a few days. subsequent time test a small nouns on your skin just to be nontoxic. oh and nair now make a sensitive formula.

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