My kinky girlfriend wants me and my friend and I to sword clash?

over her.

What does that mean?

Is that a honourable or bad point?

What happens if i enjoy sex, and forgot to take m birth control pills 2 days 1 week and 2 other days the subsequent?

It's stupid...she wants to hold sex with you and your friend. Then she will want you to own sex with your friend...

Sweat blisters within vaginal area?

sword scuffle OVER her? wow, thats really weird, but it sounds resembling fun. I think she's a touch full of herself; thinking that your friend wants her. she also seem a little unproblematic, whoever wins get me. But those are just my view, i say its a discouraging thing.

If you own yeast infection, can you get your spell?

Do you really want to see your friend have sexual intercourse next to your girlfriend, if so then articulate yea, if not after say nay.

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