Mirena coil??

i had the mirena coil put contained by about 5 weeks ago. i have bleeding at first then it stopped. i come on my period 2 weeks ago and it hasnt stopped since consequently. is this normal?
thank you within advance.

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I work surrounded by a women's health clinic and assist doctors who are gynecologists. a merciful had asked me a similar question to answer, i asked one of the doctors who told me that you should not bleed. Spotting after insertion is likely but prolonged and strapping bleeding is not normal. you should gain checked.

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It's not unusual to have unusual bleeding for the first few months on the Mirena IUD. Usually this gets better and by 1 year various women stop having their period. Stick with it

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no, I surmise it should be checked by GP

Okay ladies.. i have a crisis and i dont know what to do. i involve some help?

I have the mirena coil fitted due to heavy period and spotting in between periods. I feel drained, was advise to have mirena coil and be told that I would get some spotting but eventually this would stop and so too would my period. I suffered more with this coil within as i spotted and bled constantly, worse than b4 it was inserted. I suffered this for 2 years until eventually I have a hysterectomy.I was offered an ablation but because near was the coincidence this wouldn't stop my periods as the mirena coil didn't, consequently the only alternatiive be the hysterectomy.
Not every woman is the same as I'm sure you 'll already know.Its up to you how long you put up near the spotting in the hope it will eventually stop, but don't let it walk on to long, go see your GP if your not thrilled and see if they will offer you an alternative.I hope this be of help to you and hope you find things sorted soon as I know how this can make you have a feeling worried, miserable and wear you right down. Good Luck.

Do you have breast implant?

I had it fitted 2 years ago very soon. You need to make available it about 6 months and it will sort itself out. If you are still enjoy problems visit your doctor, but it really worked for me.

My term started this afternoon and I'm going on holiday to the beach tomorrow.?

i bled for two weeks after the coil be put in, consequently when my period be due again bled for 3 weeks, i think it is regular.

Is something wrong when I have these symptoms?

I enjoy had a mirena coil for nearly three years and I love it! It took a few months to settle down but after that my period have completely gone which is great. Did you hold it inserted via the GP or a family planning clinic? Sometime the kith and kin planning clinic doctors know more so it may be worth a visit to them.

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I have the mirena fitted two years ago. I was advise it would take 6 months to settle down - the first 6 months be torture, bleeding for 2 or 3 weeks at a time with not much break surrounded by between, but after 6 months it did calm down and I hold now not have any bleeding for over a year - wonderful! If you are unsure visit your GP - I did and she trimmed down the strings and made sure everything was as it should be and I have no further problems. It may be worth hanging on contained by there!

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