I wanna know about period [girls only]?

i want to know about period because they started but din"t came till 2 months

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hey darlin welcome to womanhood. first sour i like to congrads on your query sometimes its embarassing for young ladies your age to ask question like this. when you enjoy your period theres a gland call the petuitary gland that is loacted surrounded by the brain that sends a message to your ovaries to start your cycle. an egg hatches out of your ovaries. this can crop up between 9 years old up until deferred teens. the egg travels down the fallopian tube which is inside your body. the ovaries are connected to the fallopian tubes. here in the fallopian tubes this is where the egg get ferterlized by male sperm. the egg is the womanly sex cell and the sperm is a male sex cell. when the egg comes out of the overies its call ovulation. this usually happens in the region of the 14th day. of your cycle. if the egg isnt fertilized consequently it travels down the fallopian tube into your uterus. your uterus is where the tot is held inside your body. when the egg attaches to your uterus it has a pool liner on each side and stops to around the top of your cervix. the linging is there to relieve preseve the baby and make a contribution nutirents. if the egg isnt fertilized when it attaches to the uteran wall the egg is dead and can not be fertilized to create a baby. this is when your time comes. the protective lining starts to break and thats when the bleeding starts. the body is getting rid of rubbish because the egg did not get fertilized and the body doesnt call for it. so it exists through the cervix and the birth canal call a vagina. the also exits the body this way. a woman is usually ver humiliated on her period. she cramps up because her uterus is constricting kinda resembling a small contraction because its pushing out the lining and the egg. you also might retain hose which is called bloating. when girls first start their time it is irregular. i know mine was. i my first one and didnt own one for another 5 months. its still irregular but not as bad. things that can motivation a period to adjournment is stress eating habbits pregnacy taking reliable medications merely to name a few. a cycle usually last for about 28 days on average and you bleed for give or take a few an average on 5 days. i sure hope this helps you dear if you enjoy anymore questions you can email me anytime darlin. my email is [email protected]. here are some sites that can also facilitate you. take fastidiousness dear.

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What do you scrounging didn't come till 2 months? Meaning you've only have 1 or 2 so far? What do you need to know? You cramp for a few days up to that time hand, the first daytime of your actual period is usually the worst, and you'll bleed for more or less 5 days. Do you have specifics?

Could this be serious?

We don't completely know what you close-fisted, so you might want to ask your mother or another trusted older woman. Don't be shy. It's duration.

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when you first start getting your periods, you might skip months. you won't be regular til you're 21 or so and I don`t know not even then.

Guys please, attraction ask?

Its really not that bad. I penny-pinching, you get cramps and bleed and thats in the region of it. The cramps made me cry once or twice but besides that, there's nought to worry almost!

How long does it take for depo shot to wear rotten after 3 months is over?

check out at www.beinggirl.com
more info there

Is this my time or not?

Different people own different gaps between their period. The same goes for how long they second they can last from 2-14days, of late depends on a person.
Some race get craps, This year i've solely had 1episode of cramps=D.for some associates it's more severe.
If you feel comfortable ample talking to your doctor i recommend you do, nought serious he/she will be able to put your mind at ease(since they go to medical school fo 4+ yrs=p).
For more info turn to: http://www.knowmycycle.com
Welcome to female hood=D

How matured do you have to b till you hold an ?

I think this is what your asking..
Once, you start your time of year you have a cycle it follows...and it's different for everyone..Hope that help?

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