Please tell me some cause?

that because of them you may cant give birth

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Chronic infections, uncharacteristic uterus, plugged fallopian tubes, not ovulated eggs, not active spermatozoa, etc

How abundant times should I get sex since the penis gets surrounded by without hurting?

Sometimes hormone imbalance such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can make it rugged for one to have a child or donate birth to one.

Endometriosis is another possibility.

Very sore?

STD's and UTIs not being treated

HELP! Pads! (Girls/women only)?

penis and vagina !!

I own no breast and i feel resembling a boy also how can you have confidence if you dont consistency good in the region of your body.

Your question suggests that you choice to know why a pregnant woman would not be able to administer birth. The most obvious end in would be the inability for her to be able to dilate. In which grip a caesarean section would be perform, other reasons include - If the placenta lies so low in the uterus that it covers the exit to the birth conduit (cervix). This is called placenta praevia. If the obstetrician finds out that child's health is threatened due to scarcity of oxygen. If there is vaginal bleeding and a colloquial delivery is not give or take a few to happen. If the umbilical cord falls forwards and the child cannot be delivered smoothly (a condition known as cord prolapse). If it become clear during labour, that the mother will be inept to deliver the baby herself. In other situations a caesarean may be considered the safest odds even though a vaginal birth is a possibility, for example - If the baby is lying next to its head upwards (breech baby). If the mother is artificial by high blood pressure or other sickness. If the unborn baby is too small or too undersized to survive a natural birth. If the mother have had a Caesarean birth until that time (although it is possible for a mother who's had a Caesarean to own a vaginal delivery contained by a later pregnancy). Also contained by very unusual cases, when the mother is so anxious about the transference, a Caesarean is considered. If, however, you mean what would prevent the womanly from conceiving, then this have a myriad of answers. Just to name a few - a woman’s fallopian tubes, through which the sperm travels to assemble the ovum, may be blocked. Interference with the fallopian tubes, such as an ectopic pregnancy, adhesion after abdominal surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease, can block the tubes and prevent fertilization of the ovum by the sperm. Further, multiple fibroids or endometriosis may do the same. A man may not conceive if he have a low sperm count. Some men may have tatty sperm. Sometimes, a man may be impotent. A man may also not be able to conceive a newborn if there is a blockage of the tubes between the testes and the penis.
In adjectives cases when detailed medical information is required, you would be advised to contact your doctor or gynaecologist.
Hope this helps
matador 89

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mis bright side are you from sr?

Is it possible to own sex and still be aroused an hour later?

You want to know why someone cannot trickle pregnant, right?

Well, first up, virginity is a real result in of infertility... :)

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