Is it really?

When your water breaks is it really resembling a huge gush and it'll show through clothes like they clear it seem? Or is it in recent times like a discharge? I wanna know what to expect. I'm due within a week.


Women only please?

It could be any. Everyone is different.

Should i take my BC pills in a minute or later?

I am not an expert, but i am pretty sure you will know it. I will not gush out, it will kinda basically swoosh out. Good luck w/ the baby!!!

Am I going to obtain any taller?

It could be either, your wet may not even break. My sister was have labour pains and be dilating, but her water have not broken yet. They simply said next time we check your dilation we can break your waters for you and it will speed things up. Everyone is different I guess and you will freshly have to skulk and see! I wouldn't worry in the order of any embarrassment as it is immaculately natural. If anything you will freshly freak out other people as they rush to your assistance!

In want of comfort?

It could be either .I woke up similar to I wet the bed.Then when I started walking I would enjoy little gushes and pain at alike time .I had to stroll 2 blocks down the road to my moms house and my water leak most of the way and the more hose down that came out the more agony I had.

Is Prolactin solitary related to pregnancy?

With my 1st son my water didn't break until my son be born. He was "born within the caul" which just scheme he was born still surrounded by the sac.

With my 2nd I got up to be in motion pee at about 1:30 am. I stood up and feel a little stickle down my leg. It feel like I be peeing myself. Wasn't a gush. If I coughed or sneezed a big gush came out though.

Please help out? was a huge gush! Even sort of gross! I be lying in the bed when it happened...NO WARNING!! However, I must speak, I was pregnant w/ twins but, I don't know if that would gross a difference in the "feeling" of your hose breaking. My husband drove me to the hospital about 10 miles away and I "leaked" the entire trip! We even get caught by the train, and I still didn't deliver until 10:00am the next morning! TRUST will know the difference in your marine breaking and having a bladder attack! Good luck & congrats!! will come through your clothes!

What could it propose?..?

yes it is a major gush of reheat water and a intact lot of it! I have have 3 children and that is exactly how it is and yes your pant will be soaked so be ready. But it is zilch to worry or be discomfited about it is really natural it is adjectives part of giving birth so don't verbs yourself about it .

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