I have been on my period for two weeks! Should i be concerned?
Answers: You need to go to the doctor soon..
Two weeks period is not normal. Read about intensive periods in http://www.menstrual-cycle.info/29-Very-...
Be Healthy and Happy! That's a long period.
Probably the best thing for you to do would be go and see a doctor and have birth control pills prescribed. It will help keep your periods under control..
your period might be longer if youre on birth control or if youre stressed
either way you should talk to your doctor because its not really normal to have your period for that long because its stress on your body Go to the gyno and get checked out. They'll put you on birth control and that will regulate your period..
Yes, a period shouldnt last longer than 10 days at a time. You need to talk to your doctor. You shoud go to a doctor if your not just spotting..
go to the doctors thats what my docotor told me if i had imore then 10 days you should go to the doctor and be sure. Are you on BC?