Girls first extent?

i am about 12 and am have cramps and other signs of my first period. i own had them for a few days but nought has happen. please tell me what usually happen for a girls first period.

Can you still bleed if?

hey! i am glad you asked this press! I am 12 too, adn I got my first term when i was 11!! so we can relate! yay! lol. Now to the serious stuff.
A week past I got my extent I was
1. have cramps 2. i had plentifully of vaginal discharge 3. I had cravings for pungent and sweet foods/candy 4. i was really heated. i would snap at my friends for no reason ((although is shouldnt have)).
**my breasts have also been growing for just about a year and a half**

I got my spell at a camp. yea great place to obtain it huh. a four day overnight military camp with guys and girls. I have just get out of the swimming pool, and when i went to the bathroom, i saw a bit of blood contained by my bathing suit!! how embarrassing! and i did not bring pad or tampons because I did not expect to get it. man be i wrong.

now. you should recount your mom that you think you might return with your period surrounded by a couple of days. This way you can both stir to the store and buy some panti liners for you to wear right very soon so your underwear doesnt get stained when you DO receive your period. And buy pad so when it does come you will be prepared.

Also, I cried when I got my term, idk why though, lol, so if you do, it is normal.

I craving you the best of luck, getting your period is a sign you are growing into a woman! omg! haha. i am so glad a 12 year feeble asked this question because i can really relate because i am 12 too! yay! haha obedient luck!!

And a good site for information on your length is

and a good site for information on using pad ((it even has a wipe selector so you can find out which type is best for you!) is

and afterwards a good site for tampon proposal is

and by the way, it is really frustrating when you use tampons. I would suggest using pad for the first 2 or 3 periods. But after that you can try tampons, they are righteous for me because i swim, play basketball, and play soccer. I use playtex sport. but before i could in actual fact get the tampons contained by, it took me over 3 periods to numeral it out! so good luck and dont go and get frustrated.

man that was profoundly to write but i want t give you the best info i kno! perfect luck! <33

I need abet from all you girls.?

You usually experience cramping a couple days previously you get it.

My vagina?

i didn't own them for my first, but i guess it's possible

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You could just be have cramps, but you may want to put a pad surrounded by you panties just contained by case. When it in actual fact happens, within will be quite closely of blood, but it's totally natural. It sucks, but it with the sole purpose lasts something like a week and then you're honest until the next month. Definitely chat to an older woman (i.e. your mother or aunt) but you'll be fine.

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honestly, i didn't have any symptoms. It a short time ago came, it freaked me out to see blood! But anyway, every girl is different so you might be starting already...

What does a length feel resembling?

this should help :)

Menstrual period after c-section?

each person is different, enlighten ur mom and/or dad about it, hold them get you the supples needed. consequently when u start use them =D

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usually lower cramps and also some discharge u can seize on ur pants also u surface more tired and sometimes have more of a headache

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Most of the time, it just a conventional period. You may be surprised by the headache, bloating, or fatigue. Just know that it's normal for it to be really pale, and also normal for it to give the impression of being too heavy. Some girls may enjoy it for 3 days, some may have it for 7. But reward attention to when it starts, when it stops, and the pain and flow you enjoy. This will be good info. for subsequent month. Keep a written account of adjectives this so that you can be sure your period is commonplace and know for sure if you miss one. Trust me, it's very glib to get confused almost it, since it's only once a month.

Also, drink plenty of hose down, start now. Make sure that you obtain as much iron as you need too, whether you do it from food, or nick a vitamin. A daily multivitamin should do it though. Actually, that the best entity, cause your body will lose other nutrients too.

Completely lost interest in sex?

Well,since i got mine i have cramps,too.

Go to and look around
there i alot of information going on for your period andother things.
The UK site have more information,so go to google and push contained by beinggirl with out the .com. Then a inventory of sites will come up.
Just push on the first or 2nd one and it will ask you what country and then push UK. Its adjectives in english. There will be some differnences contained by some spellings. EX.Program will be spelled Programme.

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Its hard to articulate. The symptoms are different for each woman. Sometimes the symptoms come and be in motion several days before the interval. Sometimes they hit the day until that time and sometimes they last a solid week in the past the actual bleeding starts. You are already going through the worst part, subsequent comes the bleeding. I suggest wearing a thin maxi wad or a panty liner when you start feeling the cramps, that route you can learn the outline of your body with rather protection and maybe free yourself from an embarrassing bloody luck. As far as the first time, it took me by surprise! Ask your mother about her cycle and you should win a pretty good belief of what yours will be like, also ask your friends, as females that spend closely of time together can run in like cycle- and even change as you get hold of new friends!

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i'm 14 and newly got my interval recently. i have no signs of it except that I got sick two days back, and then right beforehand it I had an awful backbone cramp. then i go to the bathroom, and there it be.
if you feel this process, just but some pad and keep them on appendage. also, store an extra pair of undies within your purse and a few pads (don't try tampons right away) surrounded by case you draw from ti well your out. you might be getting your time of year, you might not by. also, is some white/clear sticky stuff on your underwear/ if so, then you may also be getting your time. I hope allworks out. best of luck.

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Well i'm 13 and my first period be when I was 11 and a partially. I didn't know I had started until my mom told me. When you first own your period, or you infer you have started, jump to your mom or the school organization to call your mom. It's best to turn home the very first sunshine of your period. Drink tea, that's what my mom told me waht to do. (Hot Tea) The one you don't want to develop, is that your mom tells eveyone. (My mom did that.) See Ya. Hope the guidance works.

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I'd wear a wipe now a moment ago in shield it starts. Since you have a sentiment its coming, you dont need to be caught by surprise! The hours of darkness before mine, I have really bad stomach pains and rear legs pain and didnt know what be wrong. It's never felt that mode since, but that's what happened beside me! Take a tylenol and prepare yourself with pads/tampons, within your purse.

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I was 12 when I started mine. I come up with I was cramping too. I also have a lot of discharge and the dark before I have a migraine/head ache. I have one that morning too. I think period really suck. Anyways, I would keep a wipe on hand. If you don't own one then you should grasp one from a parent or friend. I was lucky ample to have a friend endow with me one. If you need anything else freshly email me! Take care Girly!

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