What are the probability of me becoming pregnant?

What are the odds of me becoming pregnant?
the other dark i had sex near my boyfriend.we were going at it short a condom ( because we do that sometimes for a while, then he puts surrounded by on after a few minutes) but last darkness he kept going until he pulled out to ejaculate. what are the odds of me getting pregnant from this? im sorry for the details , i know you guys probably dont want to hear it , but im worried. thanks


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There is other a chance of pregnancy next to unprotected sex. The pre-ejaculate a man secretes throughout intercourse contains sperm, so even in the first few minutes sperm are swimming their course through your reproductive tract. You should be using a condom every time, the entire time.

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It would be immensely hard to detail you the odds because anything could develop...but the "precum" in guys also contains for a while bit of sperm...chances also increase if you are on your fertile days...to be exact around day 14 of you menstural cycle...counting the first afternoon you got your spell as day one...right luck

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sorry for the details too. my wife and I used the verbs out method for many years because I refuse to wear a condom (it's like drinking a stake with a balloon on your tung ) and she couldn't thieve the pill. It worked for us. We never had an unintentional pregnancy.

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"pre-" can contain sperm. So becareful nearly the pull out method, it doesnt other work as you wish it would.

Most decisive method is to use a condom the entire time. Also try to get on birth control. You can never be too locked.

I know a girl that was concevied and her parents be using a condom and birth control, go amount.

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