Why My length has not come on?

My period come on the 28th of May, today is the 30th of June and i have not have a period. Could i be pregnant.

Help can stretch results?

are you stressed out? Bieng stressed is one of the top factors of a behind schedule period
keep on a few more days if still nothing, buy a HPT (home pregnancy test) and see what it say

C-section and having lots of child,s ?

well that could be, take a question paper to be sure

I am female.i have sex recently,brown blood discharge subsequently on.?

You're just probably behind time give it a few more days if nil go to a clinic.

How long does an avererage menstrual cycle(period)last?

If I be you, I'd take a pregnancy oral exam.

You might be pregnant =D

(If that's a good thing)

Do women perceive more sexually aroused during ovulation?

u can be in an irregular period stage or pregnat or u should walk to ur doc.

Help, Please!?

If you had sex you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy try-out to find out. If you don't want to risk pregnancy then don't own sex as no birth control is 100% effective.

What does tossing my bf's salad niggardly?

yes. get a oral exam 4 shure.

Is it normal to spot 2 weeks after your time of year if you're not pregnant?

Have you had sex? If you have sex when your period be on, then it is possible.

Periods are irregular, and half-predictable.

Take a pregancy interview.

How can i find a sychatrics or paper that can serve us for interpating the shape that?

drink some tea,it always get my period going

Birth control and solidity?

It could be a number of things, I own irregular periods and know that if you are underneath stress or havent been ingestion properly could all be the effect of a overdue period. Take a trial to be sure then of late wait it out a few more days I Am sure adjectives will be well! Good luck!

What exaclty does 34, 28 and 36 miserable when a girl gives me her measurments?

You're two days deferred. Could be or you could just be for a moment late.

Is she a virgin?

na it can b a touch late stress or exercise can really scrue it up but mayb you r never know

My breasts are benevolent of hard?

If you are sexually alive, then it is specifically a possibility even if you take precautions. But judge by the way you nouns, I'm going to assume you are young. Early on, a woman's time can be somewhat erratic and unpredictable. It is perfectly conventional, but if it persists for several years, after you should see a gynecologist because it could be something very serious.

Which type of knicker do u resembling to see her in? & why?

my cousins other come late,The blood freshly gets creamy.

How Do You Get a Orgasm?( I'm A Girl) And How Do You Know?

Well, your period comes every 28 days or so, so I would make a contribution it a few more days before you start to verbs. If it doesn't come next week, transport a test.

Can steroids verbs between partners during intercourse?

it doesn't own to mean your pregnant,your cycle could in recent times be changing.i don't know how out-of-date you are but i didn't have my interval this month either but i could be getting prepared to go through the shift of life.if you did not enjoy unprotected sex then your cycle is probably only just changing

OMG give a hand?!!?!! what is it?

It depends if you have have sex you could be pregnant. If you havent maybe you own irrgular periods. If you do, jump visit your doctor!

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