Side effects of plan b?
The side effects can second until you get your extent but usually not that long. They should start to taper off. These symptoms are also those of pregnancy.
Plan B is pretty powerful if you took it as soon as possible after the condom broke (72 hours best, 120 hours good too). It is across the world 89% effective.
Just sort sure that if you don't get your time in 3 weeks to win a pregnancy test.
Good commission at taking EC after the condom broke! If more girls did that there would be smaller number abortion and less unwanted children contained by the world
In response to the first answer. EC is a high even or hormone, but it is a lot lower smooth than if she was to be pregnant!
it is an unnatural, unwholesome amount of synthetic hormones ingested. follow up with your gyn. use a condom.
Can you be pregnant and still own a period beside heavy bleeding ?
Personally, they last like 24 hours. If the effects don't stop within the next time, you may want to do a check up with your gyno or who ever perscribed you Plan B. Just to be on the undisruptive side.