Months after Anal Sex- still bleeding. Why is in that still blood?
Me and my Fiance had anal sex contained by last March. (I've had it since once in my previous relationship). But I could barely use the restroom for 2 weeks!! it hurted so discouraging (with lots of bleeding). The sex wasn't rough at all though.
Months have go by, & using the restroom still hurts! Not as bad as it did in the outset. But I bleed everytime!
If it's hard, it bleeds more. If its not hard- it's just spots, but something I shouldn't hold for months!
Please help??
Did I tare something real impossible?
Answers: These symptoms sound real similiar to Anal fissures
My older best friend had one when we were still within elementary school. It's kinda like a slit break at the rim of your anus, & it feels like you're endorsement razor blades, right?
Here's a few sites that talks roughly speaking the causes and symptoms that you just described. They also detail treatments.
If not that, there's another site that has info on other problems similiar to the Anal fissures
Get well soon!
This really sounds approaching a hemmorhoid. They are caused from straining your muscle, rough "waste" or constipation, lifting heavy things, or even pregnancies. This could hold resulted after having anal sex. Is there a bump that looks similar to a blister and feels like a balloon around your bottom? And if so, does it come across to get bigger when pushing or going to the bathroom? You also could have a hemmoroid on the inside on your colon. You should noticeably talk to your doctor about this, as you seem to be to be bleeding on a basis. The tube he was contained by is just a thin membrane, and most feasible, eventhough not rough, maybe his size, tore thru it. This can really be serious. I would not blame him, but I would definitely dance see the doctor and then share the findings with your man. You enjoy probably waited so long that there could be irreversible vandalize! Regular doctors usually freak out when discussing sexual habits, so I would recommend the free clinic as well, they see alot more problems on a regular principle than regular doctors do. They also know what works to clear up these problems. Good luck!.
Please see a doctor! You might of torn something or got an infection. Bleeding that long isn't normal! You should also beckon your local free clinic, if you don't want to make an appointment, usually there is a nurse that can answer your interrogate over the phone. do you have hemorrhoids? they can bleed a lot!