What could this be? Could it be depression?

Ok so im 22 years old , I hold a 4 year old and a 3 month dated. You would think I would front a happy vivacity, I have a wonderful husband whom is so right to me, When I was in the region of 13 I was diagnosed next to depression, they thought it pretty much went away and pills didnt do anything, My mom have to take pills, Its come across I started to get worse after I get pregnant. Since I got pregnant and presently after and my baby mortal 3 months, I am so moody, unpleasant. I feel really guilty, I wail at my 4 year old and hubby for nought, I have NO patiance, imalways extremely annoyed and irriated. I surface tired and lazy adjectives the time. I get so nervous and angry. I feel so bleak for it, I almost cry after yelling at my poor newborn who is 4 and going to get into touble and return with into things she shouldnt be. Why am i being so plan, what could it be? Im worried about bring on pills, I dont want them to total effect my life, I dislike feeling resembling this, Does pills really change this? Is it depression? Please administer me your experiance!

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Do you sleep powerfully? Wakefulness/inability to sleep/insomnia is among the early signs of depression. It seem that you are in a worse condition. You have need of professional help. Please see a counselor who can objectively evaluate if you stipulation a psychiatrist who will prescribe drugs. Sometimes, all you necessitate is someone who will listen intently to your angst.
As for using drugs to control depression, I have a upright friend who was on anti-depression meds for 22 years. She be never addicted to them and her doctor made sure she was out of danger at all times. She is immediately 50+ years old and is OFF the anti-depression medication. There is zilch to fear. If you really necessitate them to have a average family natural life, you will prefer to take them fairly than lose what you have in a minute.
God bless you.

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I deliberate it could very okay be depression. I was diagnosed near clinical depression about a year ago. I be always really moody. Crying one minute and yelling at someone the subsequent. It was insane. I'm surprised my clan didn't kick me to the curb. I assume you should see your doctor. Don't worry nearly going insane if you forget one pill. It won't happen. One of my friends is on Zoloft for depression, but they just take their pills when they quality stressed out or moody. Not everyday! That's not something I would suggest, but they haven't gone insane. Talk to your doctor and see what he or she would have you do. Also, explain to your husband what is going on. He'll help you through this the best he can. Good luck!

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Since your baby is just 3 months you could suffer from post partum uptill the baby is 6 months mature. Yes it could be depression, sometimes childbirth can change your chemical set off, but you may just call for a break for a day or two from the constant demands nouns gives beside such young children. It is such an huge convert to your body when you create another human being. Even positive devolution is stressful so try to give yourself credit for adjectives you are doing correctly. Being 22 with two kids would be stressful for any woman. Dont forget to Mother yourself and be virtuous to yourself when you can. Your needs situation too. good luck.

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Go see a psychiatric therapist as soon as you can. They will help you numeral out whether you need medication or simply to keep seeing them. I suffered from depression and anxiety when I first go to college. I used to stay in bed adjectives day and stopped going to class. I be basically moody, awful, irritated, and didn't care give or take a few anything. After talking to a shrink, I decided to stay rotten the meds and just maintain seeing her. After about three months I feel a lot better and we stopped my psychiatric help. To me, it definately sounds like you're depressed. Plus, depression can run within the family.

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Honey, you are describing classic post partum depression. Please speak to your ob/gyn more or less what you are experiencing. I myself had a really severe armour after my daughter was born, and it last for quite some time, I be even hospitalized at one point.

I was surrounded by therapy, and did own to take meds. There is NO shame within either of those things. The meds do sustain, honestly, they do.

Please talk to someone, your kids inevitability you. If left untreated, PPD can become something so awfully serious.

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