Why do ancestors slom because i do and i dont know why.?


Am i TOO light?

S.L.O.M mechanism:

S- sticking

L- leaches

O- on

M- myself

Using tampons???

I must be getting old inflict I have no clue what it vehicle to slom.

Something inside my vagina.?

What is slom?

Sex is painful!?

because / you /like / the discern / of slimy stuff / on your body / i /had / to / look it up / as to what /it meant / YUCK!

Just get off the shot.?

Maybe because you don't own anything better to do. Start skateboarding and do inline skating. Start breakin' some bones! That sounds alot cooler than sticking leaches on yourself. Or if you want to bleed, get a tattoo. Those are outstandingly addicting with the distress of getting one, plus you'll have a nice picture or what not, instead of a "hickey" looking red mark afterward.

Ortho tri cyclen?

Because its just lke adjectives it relives the pain surrounded by a different way

Birthcontrol and sex?

Apparently you "slomers" are really stupid. I cannot envisage getting anything out of a creature that sucks the very enthusiasm right out of you....

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