Sex is aching!?

i have endo. it is itchy to have sex. my fiance and i havent have sex in weeks because it hurts so much. is here anything we can do. even if he goes slow it still hurts so we enjoy tried that. any ideas. plus we r trying to capture pregnant.

My daughter has antediluvian blemish marks?

Though dyspareunia can come to pass for a multitude of reasons, Endo is a hallmark motive of it. The key is to own the disease treated effectively. The cul-de-sac is one of the top ten locations for Endo to implant, and can bring immeasurable headache with intercourse. Consider a consult near a specialist to determine what the best option is for you; someone who can truly excise disease instead of going away it behind to incentive pain and problems.

Good luck and know that you don't hold to suffer.

I have be in a great deal of pain what can this be?

Consult a urologist immediatly

What can manufacture your breasts bigger?

you need to be concerned give or take a few your problem long before getting prego, you really requirement to see gyno surg

Boobs or breasts, which is best :)?

try getting married first and make sure everything is going to work out earlier having a kid

Could a pap smear experiment determine pregnancy also?

my gynie suggested taking 800mg of motrin an horu before, whenever my endo be bad.

it help.

I am bleeding out my vagina should i be worried?

Always talk to your doctor up to that time asking anybody for advice.

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