Do i want to loose consignment??

im a 17 year old girl, im 5'2 and i weigh 120lbs do i need to loose substance?

Answers:    No, you are fine..
Noone can tell you if you NEED to loose weight basically by the figures you give. You will have need of someone who you know is honest and unjudgemental to tell you. And it shouldn't be too hard to find out yourself, do you similar to the way you look? Do you think you look curvy? And if you do, as long as your happy and comfortable with the process you look, you have little to worry more or less. If anything, you should try to become more fit than loose weight. Strong people gain more respect than those who are skinny and can't pull a dictionary. Can I ask, why do you think you need to loose immensity? Seriously. Do you think you're overweight? Is there something relating you that you need to loose? Because you're asking a group of people if you inevitability to loose weight. And I wonder... if there is a hit and miss this could be influenced by disordered thoughts, meaning that of an Eating Disorder.

Under no circumstances do you need to loose counterweight..
Go to you're family physician and ask him if you need to loose mass. Or check out the BMI online and see if you're over-wieght or not. It's hard to loose wieght, but if you cut out the soda and fast food, you'll be okay. Drink kool-aide, red juice, water. Only munch through fast food once a month. Home cooked meals are the best for you effect its real food. Only eat when you're stomach hurts or you get the impression light-headed. When you eat snacks make sure their loaded beside whole grain. Run surrounded by place for 20 minutes twice a day. The more you're active the better.

Check that site's a calculator that let you know what the ideal weight is for a personage of your height and mass.

However, please keep contained by mind this is not typical for all people. It does not include things such as bone density and muscle mass.
And instinctively I think you should like you're at the idyllic weight for your height.
You know your body though...if you look at it and discern like you could use some exercise than that's your perogative. Just don't go crazy give or take a few this calculator..
i am also 17 and 5'2 and 120. i know its a healthy and perfect cargo, but i dont feel comfortable. I have be trying to loose weight desperatly because of my stomach, i am not happy beside it. Anyway, let me know what you decide to do. I am interested. not at adjectives. i'm 14, i'm 5'2 and i weight 160. i feel in shape and keep active. as long as you surface healthy, you don't need to (unless you're obese and it threatens your body). if you surface unhealthy, just munch through a little more veggies and fruit, and cut back on the crap..
wow thats ironic. I'm 17 I'm 5'2 and i weigh 120 as resourcefully. Everyone says they wish they have my body but sometimes I don't agree. But I've learned that 120 is a good wieght for our age and loftiness. Don't loose it you'll look sickly. i think that you may choose to loose weight if you grain it would help you pursue your dreams but other than that you don't entail too
and never let any one ever try to tell you you necessitate to unless its your doctor or parent.
Im 5'0" and when I was 17 I weighed 120lbs and I be fat- in my and other people's opinions too. Honestly, i'd read out if you lost about 5 or 6 lbs you will probably feel a bit better about yourself. if your short then that might look rather chunky.
but i rather have curves than bones.
babe-in-arms girl it don't matter what the internet tell you
you gotta work near what you got
if not contented then work out..
No. You're just right according to your BMI. Your BMI is 21.9 which is within the healthy range of 18.5 - 24.9. Congrats :] You're not overweight.
although i'm 15, 5'2" and i weigh 97lbs..
yes, im 5'6 or more than that and i am overweight and i weigh 105lbs. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll no. im seventeen, and 185lbs, but im 5'8. seriously-you probably hold an adorable figure.
No. According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) caculator you are a 22, when 20-25 are considered healthy. Hope I help! No, no, no. My friends are younger, taller and weigh more. you've got nothing to verbs about..
That's pretty average for a 17 year old girl who's 5'2 Nooooooope..
are you comfortable near who you are and how you look?
that is waht is important definitly not.
definatley not!! / nope.
you're not too skinny but you arent flabby either you're ok yep you have to if you don`t somebody will telephone you fat.
You sound dreamy. You are fine similar to you are. it doesnt sound like you are overwieght. check your bmi and see what that say.
No-that sounds healthy. No. You need to swot how to spell! It's LOSE weight..
Nope your the right size NOO!!

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