PLEASE HELP!one and only girls!?

i am 18 years old.i nver started my puberty or length. my mom says that i am a slow blummer.i am worriedthat i will never have my puberty or extent.please give me counsel on what to do.thank you


I need some info on IUDs.?

BE GLAD & BLESSED that you don't own your period nonetheless! When you get it you will longing you didn't. But I would consult my general physician more or less it.

HELP! Its embarrassing..?

You should see a doctor, probably beside your mom, and talk roughly speaking this.

Does a woman's body feel different when it ovulates?

see a doctor... if you didn't enjoy your period by presently that would be one thing, I've hear of girls not starting till they were 19 especially if they be athletes, but if you're 18 without breasts or pubic fleece that is notably unusual

I think I might enjoy PCOS?

I have hear of late bloomers but 18 is really past due. Maybe you should see a doctor. This could be norm and it might not be. How old be your mom when she got hers?

Missed length for 2 wks what could be the problem? *13 yr old grl*?

i would budge to the doctor asap.

good luck

Uncontrollable itching! What's the function (read details)?

You might have some open-handed of hormonal imbalance. See a doctor and he'll dispatch you for some tests.
Another effect for delayed period contained by girls could be high diversion. Are you an athlete? I've heard of immature gymnast not getting their period until 18 or 19. I guess conceivably all the stress and pushing their bodies to the impede slows things down.
Anyway, that's my insight. I may be totally off, but uncooperatively see a doctor.

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