How to share my mom.?

okay i started my period 11 months ago. and i didnt give an account her.
i dont want to tell her i started 11 months ago. i want to give an account her i started now. is that ok?. because i know it will hurt her if she know i didnt tell her.


GIRLS ONLY: Is it true that your period stops if you're within water?

Why would you not let somebody know her? Just tell her, no big business deal. I bet she knows already though. She won't be foolish.

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hmmmm im guessing you borrow pads/tampons then huh economically you could but its dishonest and if you feel doomed to failure now afterwards ur gonna feel worse after that just explain to her that you be to embarrassed to say-so anything

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Well why within the world didn't you tell her that you started your time? I know it could be embarrassing but she needed to know. But anyways yea i guess you can give an account her you just get it, its not like shes going to know any different.

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trust me, she probably already knows. mom's know these things. why flop about it? it's not a big operate.

What the??

Just be honest

I was I started when I be in the 6th position and did not tell my Mom until the 7th

She implied because that is a markedly personal issue for every women

Period Question? Cramps?

well just to know my little sister is 13 she have hers 1 year ago and she told my mom and she told her what to do but even if you dont tell her she may know and she's waiting on you to narrate her you got it so of late sit her down and tell her she will apprehend cause she have to go through it to

2 period in smaller number than 2 weeks?

y didnt u tell ur mom surrounded by the first place?..well i would do like thingg ..buhh itss betterr off telliingg thee truthh becausee iff u tell herr a liee ull feeel guilty

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okay so simply tell her you started your interval, and when she asks you when did you start, you just read aloud recently. what difference does it take home? you have started your spell now and it's time to communicate about becoming a woman, and how to not take pregnant before you are set, and everything else that's really important within life. not " when" you started your interval!

Birth Control? (Girls Only!)?

just tell her.
she'll probably be suprised, delighted, or..both.

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are u okay beside talking to ur mom roughly ur period? if u are afterwards it would be fine to tell her u started 11 months ago but if u be using her "personal" products then wernt they a bit big? ya get to tell her anyway so she can go and get you the ryte size and stuff yo udont have to narrate her when just voice u started ur period and if she finds out roughly the 11 month thing next just report to her you were retiring ...

Could be pregnent? Im not quite sure lower than the circumstances.?

what's the big deal next to telling her? She's *your mom*, she's expecting u to return with your period! don't forget that adjectives women go through this.
in recent times go and recount her "mom, i got my period", plain and simple. within's not much to it.

Scared for period!?

OMG!!!u r so krazy u shlda tld hur resembling 11 mnthz ago but iittzzzzzzz ok bcuz i no if she luvz u she will understand!itz ttly middle-of-the-road 2 b Scared 2 tell hur!god bless you!

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