Do you like the reaction of an orgasm? why or why not?
Will i get my first extent soon?
dude you're obsessed beside orgasms.
My mother has a knott within her stomach and has have loss of appetite lately. What is it?
Who doesnt like it?What have your experience been beside natural progesterone creams?
who doesntJust lost my virginityneed support!?
yea it feels great close to taking a dump...Can u have a miscarriage minus bleeding?.?
LOL...this is a funny question...Is at hand really people out at hand that dont like the idea of an orgasm? I like emotion in the together world...I think i.e. why they dont last long...something that feel that good would massacre you if it lasted particularly question though!!Are you kidding? Of course I do!
Once you experience one yourself, you'll know the answer to "why or why not?"
Black 'n' Blue after Outercourse/Foreplay??
I be very freaked out at first and it hurt resembling mad. Nowadays it feel great and I'm doing what I can to heighten the sensation. So yes, I like the notion.Quit sinnin'! ;-D
Orgasms suck! lol What thoughtful of question is this?
im guessing you dont resembling it because if you did, you wouldn't need to ask.
are you a dirty aged man that can't get any?
Yes I resembling the feeling of an orgasm! It make my whole body tingle beside joy...
My bust size is 28 inches.Then whats my cup size?
I say-so in unison next to all the answerers that I do. I do it particularly much.Especially so if it coincides with husband's own.What kind of food will make your butt bigger? breasts too.?
IT IS SO GGGOOOOOOOOOD! NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE IT, ...YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT!!If you don't approaching it, you are probably doing something wrong.
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