I have have a horrible week mum in hospital thought I be going to lose her so need cheering up get suggestions


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all right think of ways to hang on to your self busy and hang within there you requirement to be there for your mam

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Pray to the Lord Jesus
he will comfort u here hard time

in that is nothing more up lifting after peace from God

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What do you savour doing most? Find some friends to hang out beside, or talk to someone if you grain really down, it always help to let your emotion out. You can also try sports or something active to support keep your mind of things for a while and you catch exercise :)

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if she pulled through thats adjectives the cheering up you need,be jubilant and grateful that shes ok.

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Hangout beside a friend. Talk to a family associate. Just be happy that she is alive.

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hey maintain smiling .. and go and pass your mum a big hug and get her some flowers ...

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Be indebted and joyful contained by the fact she made it through. Go cause her happy by visit her, then wish family & friends and rejoice!

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I'm glad the crisis has passed and your mum is OK. A biddable thing to cheer both of you would be to do something special for her and/or beside her. The Bible says "within is more happiness surrounded by giving than there is surrounded by receiving" and this is certainly true. Life is undecided. (James 4:13-14) So don't wait for the subsequent holiday or birthday, show your mum that you love and appreciate her today.

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If she made it out a live that should be ample to cheer u up.

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