Anyone have weightiness gain from menopause?

and were competent to lose it?and if so how did you do it? I cannot seem to lose any but I don`t know 2-3 lbs and then it comes right back-i want to lose at least 10 but 15 even better-but the means of access its going or not going i should say it might as very well be 100!any suggestions at all would be appreciated-thank you

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I am 50 and my arms started spreading. What I do is elevate weights using about 10 lbs. I used to overeat too, but immediately I take 2 tbls. of heinz apple cider vinegar a in cup of water beforehand a meal or whenever I have a feeling hungry. Vinegar has 93 vitamins and minerals. Lifting will be knotty so start with reading light weights at first until you get stronger. Osteoporosis will never come to your doorstep or losing fleece. I started doing 10 repetitions. Now I can do 15, rest, 15, rest and 15. That is my schedule. I heave every other day and the days inbetween I do other exercises. I love yoga too for the stretching effects. Good luck next to your weight loss. If it worked for me. I know it will work for you too.

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if you see this website around 35 symptoms of menopause, weight gain is cut of it. weight gain is #25 on the chronicle.

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I to be sure understand! I hold not gained weightiness from menopause...but perhaps during it.

Last year I really put my mind to losing shipment and I did. 27 lbs. And I really did not change adjectives that much. I thought about portions and reduced respectively meal for a time bit, I gave some thought to "be I really hungry or did I just want to munch through?" and could I incorporate a little more exercise into my duration? Once I did those three things, I found that I started to lose a pound or 2 a week without sentiment deprived at all.

Good luck.

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it's normal to lose/gain counterweight when you're in your menopausal stage. it's because your body is adjust to the new change you are undergoing. you will soon realize a weight that will be your body's regular solidity as you grow older. to be more sure, you'd better pop in a gynecologist so that all your question will be answered and the doctor could also give you proper medication if there'd be a requirement.

Girls please!!?

My mum has be skinny all her natural life, until she hit menopause and 50 she gained a short time weight around her belly and butt, she stays alive and eats economically, I think it is harder to loose weightiness when you hit that part of your enthusiasm, just stay live whether that would be walking each evening or morning for 1 hour, is better than not doing anything at adjectives. try and eat all right, like drink whole grain as much as you can and stay away from white stuff. Eat fish, skinless chicken and not a lot of fat, you can eat nuts they are upright for you. Any way hold on to up the good work.

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Keep an moving lifestyle plus regular exercise regime, it should work before it go out of control..consumption a smaller portion each spread and having more meal does help you from craving for food..

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Menopause is a stage in natural life when a woman stops having her monthly interval.It is a normal section of aging, marking the running out of a woman's reproductive years.Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause wishes 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of brackish to reduce bloating associated near hormonal changes. More information and remedies at

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OK here's what I did and it worked for me, (but ask your doctor first if it's OK for you ) I have shredded wheat with skim milk for breakfast, lunch be a can of tuna on bread with adjectives the veggies you want, dinner was veggies and 4 oz. of lean meat ( chicken be best for me) add to this your snacks for the hours of daylight 1 more cup skim milk 3 small fruits and all the veggies you want and that includes dressing...I used valosic vinegar on salad. and be creative you'd be surprised what all you can make out of those things.freeze the fruit and put in the blender beside your skim milk've got a shake... use those veggies and produce some go girl you can do it...I lost 100 lbs doing can lose 15 lately hang surrounded by there and include some walking to it too...but ask your doc first.

Can any one some suggestions ?.?

your metabolism slows down making it more difficult to lose weight in attendance are some vitamins on the market to oblige with a athletic metabolisim but you really have to monitor your diet and exercise i have lost 25lbs and kept it rotten over the past 9 months its slow going but if you lose counterbalance the right way it is easier to hold on to off and yes i've be through menopause well truly i'm still menopausal just no more period thank God you can do it! best of luck

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