Best non-hormonal birth control methods?

I've been bad the pill for a while now - I lately felt similar to it was time to pinch a break from all those hormones after moderately a few years. Finding condoms kind of irritating and freshly not that great. I'm considering an IUD or diaphragm but don't know anyone who uses those; also I'm prone to yeast infections and read that the spermicide you use with a diaphragm can do yeast infections? Appreciate any personal experiences or advice.

Am I ordinary?

I had an IUD fitted for around 4 months but have to have it removed. It cause very pouring periods and cramping and these are adjectives problems. Sometimes it eases stale but I just could not cope near the heavy bleeding so asked for it to be taken out.
I own not used a diaphragm so can't donate you any info from personal experience on that.
What I would recommend is the mini pill, I found that to be trouble free, and it does not have the oestrogen which can mete out the clotting problems in the regular pill.

Spots!! ewww help pwease?

Abstinence or dry humping.

What is a hysterectomy.?


Is it true,for a man to own a ingrowing toe nail, is more painfull than a woman have a bad extent pain?

Doctors right to be heard the pill is the best thing. And, if you haven't have any problems with them, why would you cut it?
The pills hold you hormone balanced.

Clit have no feeling?

uummm. don't hold all i can construe of...sorry...

What do u think?

IUD's work better if you enjoy already had children because otherwise your cervix may be too get thinner for it and it can cause discomfort.

The diaphragm/contraceptive boater can be used although it needs to stay surrounded by for 6-8 hours after sex and can be up to ten percent less effectual than other methods.

oh also thought i would add i be conceived when my mum was using the diaphragm.

Hysterectomy mass gain?

Well in my opinion.depending on your age and if your in a monogamist relationship those should be your weighting factor in what birth control methods to use. But here are a few other choices and I would recommend discussion with your doctor in the past making any changes.

1. Rhythm Method - You will involve a basal body thermometer and chart your temperatures respectively morning. When your temp spikes your ovulating. This works if your a regular and have not menstrual problems. But you can still bring pregnant and it doesn't protect from STD's

2. Sponge - You have to insert past intercourse and make sure it's contained by the proper place.

3. IUD's are my least favorite some woman hold great luck most I hear have bulky periods and cramping and chronic infections.

4. Female Condom - Speaks for it's self.

5. Spermicide suppositories- They work and they are messy and they don't protect from STD's

6. Diaphragm you will enjoy to be fitted for by your OB/GYN.

I hope this helps some. But as I said back talk beside your doctor and between the 2 of you, you will be able to determine an alternative method.

Six flags and my extent?

My advice would depend on the following testimonial:
* whether you are monogamous with a guaranteed disease-free individual
* what your convictions are on abortive devices
* how crucial it is to you that you not conceive

If you are not monogamous beside a guaranteed (and I do mean clinically tested) guy, it would be foolhardy not to use a condom. If you are, the subsequent qualification relates to IUD use. IUDs work by 2 mechanisms:
* spermicidal or ovicidal
* creating a "hostile womb" to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg
Basically, if the first moving parts doesn't work and both sperm and egg survive and fertilization occurs, the second components will make sure the fertilized egg doesn't surround. Unfortunately, you can't be sure which of these mechanisms will be at work within your body at any given fertilization opportunity. If this creates an ethical problem for you, IUD is not for you. Also, the side effect list (from wikipedia) give me the willies, I don't know about you. Heavier period, occasional expulsion, string felt by men during intercourse, highly developed chance of ectopic pregnancy (if pregnancy occurs), uterine perforation… great fun.

I can't use spermicide at adjectives, myself, because of the irritation it causes. That eliminate spermicide-coated condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, contraceptive show, contraceptive inserts and the like. Also, spermicide may increase your risk of HIV nouns [2000 study], your chances of have a Down's syndrome child if you do become pregnant [1982 study], urinary tract infections [1998 study], yeast infections [1990 study]… just dig out for 'spermicide' at and see what pops up.

That pretty much leaves (I think) non-spermicidal condoms. I use regular lubricated condoms and have no hostile response at all – my personal favorite at this time is LifeStyles Ultra Sensitive. If you hold latex sensitivity, there are non-latex option.

In my situation (married, healthy, 33 yrs old), it wouldn't be a big operate if I became pregnant though I would sure prefer not to do so. So, I prefer methods that work with an awareness of my reproductive system. Currently, I am using a symptothermal method (temperature, cervical mucus and cervical condition) near condoms on the days deemed to be fertile by tracking my fertility symptoms. I enjoy been diligently using these 2 methods in tandem since 2001 and enjoy not become pregnant. The software I'm using (not necessary but helpful) to track my fertility is call Hormonal Forecaster. I have also used TCOYF software, which have the added bonus of online community in your fertility adventure. There are also free tracking sites that you can use.

Other methods that I've tested are:
* saliva ferning range - used the Lady-Q, as a back-up ovulation detector
* cycle beads - I've used this, confirming beside cervical symptoms
* Two-Day method - I played with this, carrying out tests it against my symptothermal results

Am i having discharge?


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