Can the clitoris be ripped?

Hi i had sex next to my boyfriend two day ago and i notice that my clitoris looks swollen and on one side the tissue is broken. Can this heal up lacking surgery or what can i do to fix this.


How to get rid of strech results fom childbirth at a inexpensive cost?

Girl you would have notice if he taw you! its likely the wound is from something else or is the sign of some skin irritation/infection. Get it checked out if merely to put your mind at rest. Maybe you could get some anticeptic cream from the doctor to promote soothing?

WARNING!! girls only!!?

you will stipulation to see a doctor and have him sew/stitch it up

Longer period after a tubal ligation?

its probably just a surface scratch but you should see the doctor... any ..even the smallest tears.. in that nouns can cause infections even if the scratch itself is minor

Breast Reuduction?

What was he doing , hiding on it ?

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