Whats wrong?

Ive been nausiuos for for a while over a week now and it still continues. ive lost my appetite. ive be having really unpromising cramps(theyve been longer than my nausia),ive have headaches and it kinda come one at a time but now its adjectives at once.Ive been really tired and have weight loss. My boobs hold well swollen necessarily and well theyve gotten dark around the nipples slightly.Also oddly i havent be drinking much more than i usually do but i have to use the restroom alot more than usual and i attain dizzy easily.My time of year was also 5 days postponed and was extremely pallid for me. Should i go to the doctor?Is within a reason for concern?

Hormone dream therapy, what's the best thing after an abrupt unplanned emergency hystorectomy?

congradulations you sound pregant! but if that isnt possable step to a doctor and if it is well stir to a doctor best of luck sweetie

I started my period later month on the 8th, when should i typically start my upcoming one?

these are all classic symptoms of pregnancy.

My suggestion is that you get a home check, and if it comes up negative and you still experience symptoms, move about to your doctor and have a blood testing done.

What is wrong my period have lasted more than 5 weeks!?

Yes you should see a doctor. What it could be I own no clue. Wish you well. : )

What can i do to peroxide stretch marks?

Definitely pregnancy symptoms.

Would u or not?

Sounds similar to a bun in the oven .

Can u still hold a period while pregnet?

do you have a sneaking suspicion that you might be pregnant and are now abort?You could have an ectopic pregnancy or something close to that nausea and dizziness for a week is not a good sign...Go see a Dr asap

I quality pressure in my private nouns. Help?

Could you possibly pregnant? You should be concerned if you can absolutely not be pregnant, because that sounds pretty serious if explicitly not the case. Either process, talk to a doctor, and congratulations if you are pregnant, and hope you touch better!

Which is better tampons or pads??

well done youve created go mate! although it doesnt sound resembling thats a good entity for you right now so attain your head out of the sand and run to a doctor so you can fix any problems you think you own

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