Period cross-examine?

I just started me spell yesterday and the blood is a dark brown? Is this mundane b/c the color is usually red. Thanks!


Girly parts question-kinda graphic, but not sexual?

That is totally crude. The blood is a brown color because of oxygen. When blood oxidizes it becomes that brown color. Nothing to verbs about. :)

Uterine fibroids?

Yes, that is to say perfectly fine. It is freshly dried up.

I need some info roughly speaking toxic shock syndrome!?

Yes it is normal. It is purely old blood. when you first start your 3-5 year cycle it starts out brownish then go to a redishe. so your just fine and dont verbs.

I'm a single male parent of a 11 1/2 yr frail girl. Normal time for her first period?

yep totally normal

you own nothing to verbs about hun

Is ThIs WiErD?

yeah its commonplace

Miscarriage. I miscarried about 7 months ago.?

Yeah it is only older blood. It's completely typical. It will eventually turn red

What causes multiple period on birth control?

Normal. It is old blood. It will turn red by tomorrow.

Do most teen girls M*strbte?- LADIES ONLY?

Yes, slightly disgusting but perfectly ordinary!


as oxygen gets to blood it darken it, dont worry and as youve simply started its just your body egttin used to it

How do you manufacture your breasts seem bigger?

Yeah it's basically the start/end blood. In the middle it tends to jump more red.

Not sure if im on my period or not. I hold brown discharge.?

Yes, it will change again to bright red over the subsequent day or so. It's what is specified as "old" blood, hence the dark brownish appearance

How can I attain pregnant naturally?

Hmm I'm no doctor so I counsel you to ask your doctor that question.

Why do my breasts hurt at darkness?

Yep very commonplace. Don't worry, thats usally the color when you 1st start. At lowest possible for my sister and I it was.

Spotting between periods---Changes since have second baby?

yes its without blemish normal, dont verbs about it, over time the time will also swing and since its your first, for a few months everythign about it will be inconsistent until your body get into a pattern. correct luck!

Heavy periods?

Yes it is totally majority. It can vary contained by color depending on what stage your in. The brown just suggest it may not have adjectives come out the last time around. No worries!

Bad PMT after miscarriage - please help out?

I belive that is everyday because when you first start there is so little that it doesnt come out right away and when blood sits it turns infirm and brown colored. Thats my thought

I have tiny BUMPS on my areolas? Is is conventional?

okay well its probably misty brown because its dried blood.and that is commonplace it has happen to my best friend before.its threatening brown because the blood is dry.

Im a bit confused?

Is this your first period? If not and this is unusual for the foundation of your period and it persist through the second day, I would suggest setting up an appointment beside an OB/GYN doctor. I would try to explain more but I found what looks like The Answer here from,...

How serious can a ovarian cyst be ?

yes, mines other brown on the first day. no opinion why, but it gets redder throughout the cycle. dont verbs.

All women or male doctors! I enjoy a tiny cut on my labia minoris close to my clitoris, treatment ideas?

Yes it is fundamentally normal..And it will start gettin red..dont verbs.

Are my boobs to big or its my boyfriend?

thats normal

What can effect easy bruising and counterweight lose?

Im pretty much a first timer too. I started last month around the 18 and it be brown discharge lookin... but all my friends who get it told me it was suppose to be red. If it brown it could be a moment ago dried blood. But if you feel it looks nought like blood similar to i did you may just enjoy a light discharge as your first extent. Im on my second one right now and it turned red.REALLY very soon i know i got it for sure. Well it is faultlessly normal i asked a examine like this more or less why its brown and stuff and they said dried blood or go see a doctor. I know nothing be wrong. Well good luck.!

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