Ladies-whats your furtive for getting rid of cramps?

i have KILLER cramps. midol works for at the most an hour and 1/2. and your with the sole purpose supposed to take it every 4-6 hours. i've hear caffiene makes cramps worse, so i avoid soda. any suggestions?

How long will it whip me to get spinal column to my normal bulk?

masturbating and having an orgasm works believe it or not, but resembling the midol it only last for 45 minutes or so, but it's just an additional weapon to have at your dispense. exercising your abdominal muscles works too. I'm sure you know just about eating bananas and putting a hot sea bottle on your stomach etc... those help. Lots of women guzzle chocolate but chocolate has caffeine in it, so stay away

Am in in denial? of my immensity?

buy some ginger root peel it and boil it drink the hose.

Help please?

If it's that bad, ask your doctor to write a prescription for you.

I am a feminine, 5'0, and weigh 125. am i overwieght & how much should i weigh?

I use Advil Liqigels because they work fast and midol does NOTHING for me. In the winter I will put a heat pad on as okay.

Hi i work in BPO & iam loosing hackle day by sunshine please advise to control pelt fall?

I seize plenty of exercise (yes, it does help beside pain). I also use hot water bottles and lay surrounded by the fetal position. Sometimes applying pressure to the cramped area help.

Make sure you drink LOTS of water! That will assistance considerably!

And yes, you're right. Avoid caffeine!

Should i go to the doctor?

s t r e t c h i n g it out!!

Is It Safe Or Not?

hot showers
heat pads
tylenol (the gel kind)
strong tea (never tea bags)

Anus hair?

For me anyway... Midol works simply for bloating. For cramps... I avoid cold drinks. And use the ThermaCare heat pad, the ones made for menstrual discomfort relief, not the ones for backbone pain, work for me. You can find them by adjectives the pain ointment and other pain nouns patches. Though some considerate stores stock the mentrual ones within the feminine products aisle. The pads are a bit pricey, so, I singular use them at work. If I'm home, I use an old fashioned hot river bottle instead.

Pls help direction needed. Constant nausea and stomach cramps/ bloating?

Motrin or see your doctor. Sometimes they recommend going on an oral contraceptive.

Can someone lose weight lacking exercises?

a nice relaxing bubble bath, lots of chocolate, bengay or icyhot, spending time next to my husband, sex also helps profusely with it, watching a movie while hugging a pillow, pamprin, hmmm I dont know what else to vote, oh maybe some hot decaf tea

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