WOMEN what do you judge is worse periods or child deportment?


Discharge? Heeelp!?

I would have to say aloud periods are worse because yes Child good posture is painfull (done it twice) but once the labour is over afterwards its over but your period last for days and keeps coming rear legs every damn month for like 100 years lol.

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Whats child bearing?

My daughter is 14 and only just had an operation to remove cysts.?

at smallest labor gets over next to - periods walk on and on and on.

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I hold to say they are two different" evils" both near good and bleak in their own ways

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I don't have problematic periods, and I didn't really enjoy any problems with pregnancy. I would enjoy to say that giving birth is worse simply because it obviously involves more risk to both mom and babe-in-arms. Periods are just minor hassle for most women.

My period is 2 weeks untimely, is there anything to be worried in the order of?

I have to say aloud in my casing, it was worse have a period, especially if you stay on five days or more, starchy bleeding and cramps.

Child Bearing, was a choice for me, I choose to hold only one I could not, would not bear the pain, anymore.

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Child bearing is worse! During pregnancy, I be uncomfortable the unbroken time, and you can't even take anything for it. Also, it's frozen to sleep. By the end, you are sooooooo freakin' tired!

I never have any trouble sleeping when I've had my length, and I can take a bunch of Advil to go and get rid of the cramps.

I was physical beside my boyfriend but due to some reasons we have a break up. i'm getting married?

you should not be answering this question if she does not know what child attitude is!! gosh

Periods because they last for similar to a week and they are every month while labor is only going on for 3 days or so

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at smallest child bearing in a minute have strain relieve. I hate spell. I wish we single had the amount of period to the amount of children we would have. I want it would be one or two each..

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Giving birth terrifically painfull, makes your body big and robust carring a child 9 mouths, periold we can deal near with a tiny pill bear cramps away.

Girls/wemon please help i am an hysterical wreck right now!?

Periods are worse especially if you carry PMS, cramps, or just the inconvenience every 4 weeks. At most minuscule with child deportment, you get something wonderful after the 9 months and you don't enjoy a period any while pregnant.

Breast Reduction- Thank goodness!!?


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I can't really say which is worse, because I've never have a baby. I own had really severe time cramps before, on plentiful different occasions (so unpromising one time I went to the ER because I kept going in and out of consciousness and literally could not stand up, sit up, or walk)...my mom said that if I could ride out that kind of spasm, labor won't be as bad within comparison! My husband and I are talking almost starting to try to have a toddler soon...so I guess I'll find out which is worse when the time comes!

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