Should women be informed of all sides of abortion?

Do you think women should be informed of the negative as well as the positive of abortion and should it be included beside sex education? The justification I am asking is that there are alot of cases where on earth women were coerced into getting an abortion because of their parents or their boyfriends but they did not know that here would be suffering mentally afterwards. I think beside decisions that can own a huge impact and possibly a negative one, someone should know the consequences and I don't reason there is an live stance on teaching the pros and cons of abortion.

What do you surmise?

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Providing women near all information available concerning abortion is a honourable idea. Information never hurts (ever.) and the single effects are from what the women decide to do next to it.

Abortion bothers some women, but it doesn't bother others. That's just how population differ. I doubt that all women suffer mentally from getting abortions; that's a severely steep statistic. You cannot judge what will set sour a person until it happen and everyone has their different quirk.

However, if all information is provided to a woman, it should not lean towards the pros nor slope to the cons. The personality providing the info should not try to convince the woman to choose either side. That choice is up to the woman.

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they usually are counseled at the time of seeking an abortion.
There should possibly be a three day skulk - but what happens is - the woman panic and go to an abortionist specifically not registered and either ends up insensible or with an infection and following sterility. Abortion has be around a long time. The rich will always hold it available and safe. the poor will suffer other-wise

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I don't think it crucial will impact negative side, I have an abortion about 3 years ago, and in a minute I feel great and never looked fund and regret it.
I think adjectives the women who have the abortion shouldn't look subsidise,because it was their choice to do it, and I am almost positive that it be for the best of them to have it.

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well contained by society today, counselors are obligated to share BOTH sides. i do think that woman should be informed to both sides, however, i consider that choosing the positive side can have some concrete strong emotions problems as capably as physical problems.

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Yes, definitely. I infer that with ANY vigour or medical concern, the patient should hold access to ALL the information he/she requires, and should be informed of everything about it that may affect him/her.

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Yeah, counselors HAVE to give an account both sides. Counselors never say 'oh, yeah, do this and everything will be A-OK.' And as for including that in sex ed, yeah-that'd be great, but if you live in a state where on earth the 'abstinence single' policy is taught (like I do) you're * out of luck. Really, if anything, preventing pregnancy should be introduced into all classrooms, consequently move on to abortion/adoption, etc. etc.

The with the sole purpose real 'pro' for abortion is not have the child. And, most women think long and unyielding about that beforehand.

(females only) My interval?

Definitely. Since it is related to them and their health. They must be told adjectives the aspects of abortion- the pros and cons - in detail as unspoken by her in simple terms..

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