Is it better to own sex 4to 6 days after you time of year useing a comdom?
Answers: Better than what? It is always better to use a condom, so unless you're on the pill (taking properly) and your guy is free of diseases, other use one. 4 to 6 days after the period is a pretty fertile time so if you want to do it at a "safer" time of the month, I would speak during, just earlier or just after the time would be safer. That said you can get pregnant at any time of the month because ovulation is not other regular, so be careful.
No, you should use a man Always use a condom
That is usually around the time you may ovulate. But, other assume you can get pregnant at any time of the month. The human body surprises us adjectives the time. it dependes sweetie why you want to know .. if you usin condoms you obviousy not ttc but its doesnt really matter as long as you use a condom when you hold sex cause you'll be past the worst from diseases and pregnancy xx