Bathing postpartum pregnancy?

i kno they say yooh cant go in swimming for 4-6 weeks after having a c-section but what will occur if yooh do?...i really hate showering adjectives the time an not being competent to take a hip bath...i am 2 1/2 weeks postpartum after having a c-section so i may be prepared to take that casual because i dont understand y yooh cant within the first place an i really really want to badly...

I'm pressured to get hold of a breast reduction?!?

The big risk of a tub is infection. Sitting in water doesn't flush away the microbes and can even force bacteria put a bet on up into your vagina and urethra. Ask any woman who gets frequent yeast and/or bladder infections and you will find that most of them cart baths instead of showers. Showers are better in that respect whether you just give birth or not.

At 2.5 weeks the tissue around the incision is still highly traumatized and VERY susceptible to infection. Because of that, your overall immune system is still really stressed and that makes your vagina and bladder more adjectives even though they weren't involved in the birth (actually your bladder WAS involved, so it is still irritated after being moved around too)...

Try buying somewhat stool and taking a sit down shower... then stand for a final rinse at the shutting... then use a short time oil after you acquire out... You still get the pamper skin of a bath, but minus the infection risk...
Ed, RN

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You could get an infection if you break the incision nouns - which would mean a fundamentally painful look in to the doctor. I had an infection once in an incision and it hurt resembling hell when I had to stir to the doctor to get it looked at.

Night Sweat Nightmare! Anyone know how to stop this?

The Doctors relay us not to take tub baths for honest reasons: Not single can you get an infection in your incision, that nouns where you be cut needs to stay dry to hold bacteria from growing here. Hold on just a few more weeks and you will know how to enjoy your baths once again. Remember if you capture an infection you will have to continue even longer. I do know how you feel I be once in your shoes. It's far better to shower and enjoy the water roll sour your incision than to sit in a tub of water. Suppose you didn't rinse the tub economically that could spell trouble for you.

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