Is in attendance an end surrounded by sigh? need an inference?

my hormones are out of control so if BC doesnt work what should i try ?(i dont own a good mother daughter relationship) is it peculiar for me to feel so crazy and dont even grasp me started on my cycle or sex drive they never stop the drive i mean comfort please?

Is this pms?

Condoms, condoms and more condoms. And when that doesn't work - put on another condom. And use a spermicide.

Or get a vibrator and stop putting yourself at risk because of epidemic hormones. One dumb mistake today, may affect the rest of your life.

And for God's sake - if you don't enjoy a good mother-daughter relationship - avoid have a child until your older and own worked out your own issues. No sense repeating it.

Whats good for menopause i am 52?

birth control pills are not designed to control sex drive. you may have too much testosterone. i deem you should see a gynecologist if you are having issues next to this and they might even refer you to counseling if necessary. have a sex drive is natural but it should not be adjectives consuming and it is more important on how you concord with it. masturbation is an alternative. and remember, if you are have sex, please use protection. birth control is not preventative against sexaully transmitted disease.

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