Dont Even Tell Me..?

I really want to lose 30-40 pounds in a month or two. I am 13, so I cant use pills or surgery, or buy anything. Please dont tell me its unwell or immpossable! I've lost 30lb in a month formerly, but I dont know who I did that. Please tell me some specific exercises I can do, and how to do them. I dont chomp through junkwood, and I drink ONLY water. im 5'7 and 150lb.

My nip..HELP?

The Universe doesn't care what you ask for, it simply deliver. If you proceed to lose weight contained by the rush you describe, the Universe will deliver the weight loss, and a unbroken bunch of stuff that you can't even begin to dream of. Wise up.

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It's ailing and impossible. You will die if you try anything like that.

Pregnant? Help please!!?

i'm glad you don't put away junkwood. =] wood is bad for your teeth hunny.

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woah, if you loose 30-40 pounds you'll be underweight. according to your height.

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walk it off drink plenty of fluids marine and gatorade, walk and pee the cargo away.

School no sex ed?

welll just to relate u it might be good for ur distance from the ground.oh ya i don't eat junkwood any


Honey, you are panicking. First stillness down. There s a lot you can do. Pills are not other an answer. A better answer would be to start getting active disregarding what society think almost you aor the way you look. THAT what can really obtain you going. Next is of course food. Do you give attention to there s something that you are over doing, over consumption, over munching? Probably there is. Gradually, try to agree to go of that. Don't do anything shortly though, because that won't have any long residence positive effects. So, thinking in this passageway you can have some positive benefits. Okay?

A bit of imbarrasing cross-examine.smelly down there.females single please!?

well taking off a lb a sunshine is dangerous; but it can be done; but whats the point in in close proximity killing yourself to do it if you are in recent times going to probably put it right back on plus some? why not set believable goals of the standard 2 lbs a week and keeping it sour? do the cardio exercises, strength training exercises and count your calories to make sure you are getting ENOUGH calories or your body will stay in starvation mode and not loose the unwanted shipment easily. flawless luck...


Well you can do 100 sit-ups a day.
Try doing 10 push-ups.

Breakfast- eggs, yogurt, milk, fruit, ginger juice

Luch- sandwhich, fruit, yogurt, milk, or water, 100 calorie chips?

Dinner-SOMEthing athletic...maybe another sandwhich

100 calorie packs
yogert smoothies

Good luck

Female **?

5'7" and 150 lbs. That is faultless in my evaluation.

But if you keep yo-yoing your consignment, you body will suffer, especially your heart.

What is a good technique for holding orgasms subsidise?

No matter what you voice, it IS unhealthy to lose that much bulk in a month!

If you lose the immensity that fast, it will come final even faster.

Lose weight healthily, devour right and work out. If you walk at smallest 10 minutes each daytime that will help your condition.

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