Is my mom in meopause or is she pregnant?

Ok, she is 8 days late, but she have her toobs tied. She is 46. She has be having alot of headache and she is really emotional. Shes sleepy adjectives the time and her feet hurt. How untimely would she be throwing up? Thanks

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Okay, the personality named Aerial B that said that you cant take pregnant if your tubes are tied is wrong. It can still happen if the doctor didnt acquire them completely separated or sometimes they can still form a small tube for the egg to pass. So, it is possible, but she could also be going through menopause. Menopause symptoms can be much resembling pregnancy. She should go to her doctor and enjoy tests done to detemine if she is going through menopause. There are meds to sustain her with her symptoms.

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There is no way she can carry pregnant if her tubes are tired.

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Sounds like menopause, but she should clutch a pregnancy test if it's possible she could be pregnant. Hormonal symptoms of menopause can swing and mimic pregnancy, but she should definitely find out as soon as possible.

Good luck and best wishes!

Need lend a hand!!?

not everyone who is pregnant throws up..i never did and i never had any morning it could be any...she needs to hold a pregnancy test and if its glum call her ob and such...if its positive she definetely requests to see her for what the first answer says around tubes being tied,unless they are cut and burned at the edges anything is possible

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Usually having your tubes tied is a great form of contraception.
If you are concerned, ask her .

How would anyone here know ?

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Your mom could be lonely, or depressed. She may be going through a life alter too. There are so many answers to that press. You should come right out and say .Mom I love you and want you to be joyful, How can I help? Tell me what is wrong so you don't get the impression so alone. And we can work things out. Communication is the answer.

Getting it in?

i am going thru early menepause im 37 but im fundamentally emotional/tired/irritable/hot flashes no foot pain tho lol soooo look for these signs. i too own my tubes tied and i NEVER got sick when i be pregnant with any of my kids! hope that helps

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