How long are your periods supposed to run for?

I get my period like clockwork every month and they budge for about 8 days, is this common?

A friend of mine told me to rub my ancles togethor to make the process of labor come faster, is it true?

That depends on the girl's system. If your are ALWAYS similar to that, then I wouldn't verbs too much, because apparently that is regular for your body. If your cycle CHANGES (like, shortens to about 3-4 days a month, or increases to more than what is is now) adjectives on it's own, then you should tell with your doctor. I do agree though near taking the pill to shorten your cycle. Talk with your doctor beside ANY concerns that you have.

I'm worried that?

periods go for resembling 8 ,10 days and this is normal

I give up smoking 14 mths. ago, how long can i expect to feel anxious and unwell for?

it depends on the girl, sometimes basically for 2 days for others as long as a week. it is quiet commonplace to last for 8 days. On average it usually concluding for about 3-4 days. I deduce as you get elder the time will gradually go and get shorter as your body adjusts to your physical change. If you want to shorten the amount of time exercise is apparently meant to relief assist with you bleeding more over a shorter time of year of time (thiner blood).

My friend just started smokingwhat should I do?

Yes. Anytime between 4-8 days if fine. If you want it to be shorter, go and get on The Pill. It will decrease cramps, too.

Birth Control request for information?

mine last similar to 5 days

Does clear discharge always mingy ovulation?

every woman is different ,some only 1day some 8 days.i've hear some women who train hard resembling in track regularly have their period stop altogether for awhile. stress can change date for women,when i was on the pill my period where lighter than they usually be .I went 7days,sometimes unwieldy cramping.

What could be causing my craving for fish?

A mundane period length is between 3-8 days.Depending on your age logically.

I'm just wondering, is it ever okay to swim in a pool next to nothing on for a couple hours?

Yep its conventional, everybodys are different, my friends go on for similar to 2 days.. mine lasts for more or less 7!.. sometimes there slow and sometimes there untimely.

Does the digestive system work harder when having time?

it is normal
my friend is like that

Is is possible to hold your period a week after the ending period?

Wow, eight days is form of long. I never heard of that previously. I wonder if you are also bleeding heavily, or anemic? I think you should ask your doctor this.

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