I hold no hormones and have a strong time getting horny ...?

I am taking hormone therapy for days gone by month and half and still have a hard time man horny , I'm not looking for smart butted answers I want to hear from other women that have or are going through impossible to tell apart or simular thing...


Please lend a hand me?

You don't indicate how old you are or what type of "hormone" therapy you are on.

There are a few treatments and option. You need to provide more information first.

If you are youthful and on the birth control pill, decreased libido is a side effect. Certain pills are better for this afterwards others.

If you are in menopause, afterwards a lack of the masculine hormone testosterone is to blame. Again there is a few treatment option for this including a hormone replacement product called Estratest.

Need more info on what type of "hormone" dream therapy you are on.

Missed my period after an operation?

Mention this to your doctor. Maybe the hormone mix is for a while off for you.

[email protected]

Discharge problems?

Is the hormone psychiatric therapy prescribed by a MD or are you self-medicating yourself. A MD can prescribe the right hormones and dosage for you.

All hormone therapies hold time to work- at least 3-4 months for level to build up. Ask your MD but usually, taking a dose of about 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) in three divided doses during the daytime, along with hormone replacement pills, is certain to help.

It's predictable that the dose you're taking is lower than what your body needs.

How long did it cart you to get approved for a breast cut rate?

The female hormone estrogen is a hormone that counteracts the mannish hormone testosterone. This could probably by a specialist in the paddock of hormones. I don't know the title of such a person but look around and see if you can find one.

I love to masturbate.?

my wife have the same problem and i go looking for a solution to i found a web site near a natural remedy it worked my heart shift's to your partner to under stand

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