Ladies I need your assistance!!?

I have be having cramps alll daytime long! I usually take Midol Maximum Strength and it knock the pain right out. I hold now hold 4 Midol within 10 hours and am getting only just any comfort, not to mention it has caffeine in it! What should I give somebody a lift to help these awful cramps? Do you enjoy any home remedies? I really don't feel close to going out at 10:30 and getting more meds when I feel similar to this, plus the box of Midol says I should not mix any pills containing Acetaminophen. I need something for the stomach-ache and to help me sleep, I don't want to be up adjectives night! If you suggest another medication, how long should I take it after I hold taken that 4th Midol at around 9pm?

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I don't know any home remedies try a hot bath if you don't have a feeling to bad. But for subsequent time maybe these will facilitate I have hear this is good buscopan but I own never seen at the store. Also tylonel PM work upright for pain and they will relieve you sleep plus they are can be found easily. Also if you perceive this your cramps are not normal see your OBGYN. I know you might be bugged that I'm a guy answering these question but I just notice nobody answered and I have hear from my girlfriend and others that these meds help.

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