Too much discharge? oh, women/girls just.?

okay, well i'm 13,and approaching i havent started my period nonetheless, and for the past six months i've have like excessive discharge. its totally gross, i hatred it. it comes out in excessive amounts, and it ruins underwear too. i havent have sex yet of any description, so its not like a own an std or anything. i totally fear the gyienocologist (sp?) so i dont wanna dance there, and it's unnatural talking to my mom more or less it. is there anything i can do to approaching fix it, or make it smaller quantity gross?

pleaseee help! thanksss

oh by the means of access, no gross ignorant guy comments.

Does drinking soy bean subside your period flow and drinking barley inceases it?

a moment ago get some panti liners

it's not as impossible as you think to ask your mom for them

i asked rather while ago!

Men, Please no boys.?

I have indistinguishable problem! I don't know why it happens any. I wonder what the answer is, tell me when u numeral it out! =]

3 years after mastectomy +lymph glands removed am still very sensitive beneath arms when wearing bra, any help?

its fine. if you enjoy a lot that channel that youre going to get it soon. my mom told me that. bc i havent started mine any

Real results?

tell ya momma! I am sure you probably have odor that you are used to smelling and do not realize everyone else is smellin it.Yuck!

I'm 15 and getting my time of year twice a month. and many other problems. Help?

UMMM i didnt own that problem before i started but as long as nil else happens i feel its ok
it means its coming soon

Is it possible to receive irritation sores from wiping too aggressively after peeing?

Umm it could be the result of bacterial vaginosis (not an std). I think it is a result of wipe wrong and getting bacteria surrounded by your vagina (like wiping wager on to front instead of the recommended front to back). You may need antibiotics or something specifically prescribed. I don't think near are over the counter medicines for this type of article.

How long do I have to hang about for ?

just wear a panty liner

This is so embarrasing.?

Hang in there! I am 15 and this happen to me right before my first time. It still does but not as bad. I would recommend a panty liner. It catch all the gross stuff and you can translate it. Now you don't have to verbs about ruining your underwear!

Migraines after coitus?

As much as you might not want to, you stipulation to tell to your mom and see a doctor. That does not nouns normal. If it be just rather, not smelly, not all the time, and not ruining your underwear, it could be considered ordinary. But what you described is not. You could have an infection of some sensitive, such as a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (which have zilch to do with sex). There are lots of vaginal infections that are not spread through sex and are totally disorganized. You could lose your ability to hold children if it is an infection and you let it turn for a long time. It's already been six months. Get medical serve.

Diflucan and nausea?

YOU NEED TO GO TO GO SEe A DR. you might have a infection. One point to stay away from is ranch dressing and spicy foods. but you should see a dr.

One of the labia minora is 'bigger/longer' than the other one, is this majority?

It is possible to have a vaginal infection or even a pH inconsistency as a virgin who has not nonetheless had a extent. The discharge can also be a signal of hormone activity that vehicle your cycle will start before long.

However, if the discharge seem excessive enough to bother you, you really stipulation to find out what is causing it. If it's plenty to ruin underwear, you need to enjoy it checked out.

Most women of any age aren't thrilled about going to the gynecologist but you should not be afraid. For that situation, seeing your pediatrician or family doctor is only just as good an opinion and you may be more comfortable with them. Don't ever be afraid to describe them you are unfamiliar near this kind of problem or exam and ask for extra consideration.

It may be "weird" discussion to your mom,.but please do so. Being open something like what is happening to your body is high-status and the weirdness will progress away. If nothing else, she can catch you some panty liners to protect your underwear.

The mini pill?

wel its common it cleans out the vagina and a sign your period is coming i also have the same problem
if this discharge smells it can be and infection
wear an pantliners its worn inside the underwear to protect your underwear from getting ruined
an you body is still adjust so any changes through your body
but if you are still worried you should suck it up and dance see gyno because i know if something was mortified for me i would want to know my body is healthy or not you really shouldnt be panicky and you need to make conversation to yor mom about these things beacause you mom go threw the same things when she be younger she can give you the best answers and facilitate you need>moms can help

Birth control pills and cramps?

Sounds grotesque but it may help: drink a daily serving of yogurt. I despise yogurt but I do this. It's especially important if you are or be on antibiotics. Having an infection can mess with your unbroken body. If you have an ear infection and lift oral antibiotics they travel through your whole body bloodshed off bleak, and good, microbes which can cause a yeast infection or other infections that you wouldn't assume an antibiotic might be the source of. Next check up with your line doc if the yogurt hasn't helped mention it. If it starts itching enlighten your mom.

Can u get circumcised as an fully developed?


I have REALLY REALLY unpromising peroid Cramps!?

i am 40 and just since i start every month i have heavier discharge than usual but when i started for the very first time i didn't enjoy heavy or gross discharge. you could own a yeast infection which has nil to do with sex. you do stipulation to talk to your mom believe me it will be abnormal for her too. my youngest daughter is 8 and we talk nearly all womanly stuff so she wont be afraid to talk to me going on for anything. wear pantyliners if it so much discharge your panties are getting wet.

What do i do roughly my mom(help)?

If it is white or clear and not smelly, this is not a big deal. This is what panty shields are for. Just pick some up at the grocery store, and wear them. You can also achieve little wipes for a spur-of-the-moment clean up. Be sure to use the ones made for this purpose.. not Handi-Wipes! They hold alcohol in them and will STING! Massingil is a obedient brand.

Healthy discharge is a good article and you will be grateful for it when you become sexually busy. It keeps your vagina verbs and lubricates so sex (when you are an adult) will be more enjoyable.

If you perceive it looking dark or lumpy (like tiny cottage cheese) or a fishy sort of smell, or an crude smell, these could indicate an infection, and you should go see your doctor (sorry!). Most gynecologists are not so impossible, and they are the people really qualified to serve you.

Most of all, don't be afraid to ask. No one is born knowing this stuff.

I am 11. i wanna ask that i get the impression uncomfortable during period.. i dont like it.i wanna ask r u comfortable?

its immaculately normal and pay no attention to those pple who said to go see a doctor! the single thing you can do almost it really is wear a pantyliner! it absorbs adjectives the gross stuff!

Females onlyI need your help out please?

It's cervical mucus. Generally girls start producing it a year or so before they capture their first period. It's appropriate to have because if a guy be to try to have sex beside you and you were dry you could be seriously injured. Some family may tell you that it's only the vagina cleaning itself but if it was, surely it would enjoy been cleaning itself back you hit puberty! Nope, your body is at the age where it expects a guy may try to own sex with you and your spell is not far to follow! BTW, a lot of moms will jtell their daughter it's "of late the vagina cleaning itself" to avoid any uncomfortable sermon about sex even if they know what it's really for, or they might not even know themselves because that's what their mom told them.

if it be a yeast infection it would be white and clumpy and smell and itch. If it's just milky or clear and sticky stringy or runny, it's lately cervical mucus, which is part of self a woman, and like ljfmw said, you will appreciate it and make out it's purpose when you become sexually active, and miss it when you be in motion through menopause!

If i get drunk earlier i lose my virginity, i won't feel the backache right?

its basically means that your gonna start your peroid soon. only wear a pantyliner.

WARNING!! girls only!!?

ok its exceptionally simple your body is preparing to go through that quirky awkward stage i.e. menstruation (yer i know i hate it too) so excessive discharge wont move about away the best you can do is to drink plenty of water to engineer your discharge less tacky and gross and also wear panty lines so your panties wont get ruined. n trust me the best entity to do is talk to your mom give or take a few it i kno its weird n she get all proud n stuff when you speak to her (like my mom does ) lol but she will really help to clear up a few things. n when that time cums that u finally get your time she be there to backing you out kina show you what to do n how not to panic if it cums at a awkward time ...hope this help you

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