My girl is in hospital she tryed to kill herself?

well my girl is within hospital laast nite when i was asleep she slit her wrists shes so confused and so am i i love her so much and from mortal raped as a kid everthing has get to her she found out she was pregnet so iam gunna be a dad \

anyway iam not alowed to see her untill to hours of darkness any ideas wat i can voice to her or give her to clear her fell better

*Ladies only please*?

Words anticipate nothing, engagements say it adjectives. Be their for her, tell her what she wishes to hear. It is pro bally not you, she is ashamed. Tell her you will walk her through this. She tried to commit suicide because she believes she have lost control. Help her regain her balance, and verbs on her path towards her adjectives.

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i love you

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This poor girl have been through and is going through so much. She really wishes a good psychotherapist to talk over everything she's be through - because until she gets passed that - the adjectives will be very difficult. God Bless.

What do u reflect on it is?

I think it would be best to dance to see her..and, just hold her appendage, and be there for her...I am sorry this happen...dont worry roughly what to say...only be there.

Me and my boyf have sex and did it so rough and when he was done i be bleeding what that mean he broke my wal

i know that you've be through a lot and i know that you've be strong through it. right now, the personage i need and our babe-in-arms needs most is you. i love you so much iand im asking you to be stronger presently for us because we'll make it through.

and be within for her as you hold her hand. it will probably penny-pinching a lot for her purely that you're there and you comfort about her.

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nothing will clear her feel better ... You can;t control her emotion.

She needs theripy for what happen in her previous. A woman who was abused as a child can own a brakedown when she gets pregnant or have a child. It is better if she gets the relieve now, than enjoy found out after the baby that she be having serious issues dealing... because in a minute she has time to try to alleviate.

You can be there.. permit her know yu aren't going anywhere. things are going to get tough... this is solitary the beginig as she starts dealing with her long-gone... in a therputic path things are going to get tangible hard.

And to be exact when it is easy for men to run.

I articulate this... to preper you.. if you know it will get greatly tougher before better. hopefully you wont run.

If you don;t infer you can handle it. don;t recline to her. That is worse... because in the adjectives she wont believe any man again.

So if youu are there for the long heave... get the info from her docs roughly what to expect. So that way you wont be blindsided.

don;t treat her close to she is glass. Don;t treat her any diffrently. because right presently... everyone is treating her like chalice... and as if she is VERY broken. She will need to know someone remembers the creature that can be very intact... and they are looking at her. You are still my ... what ever you call her.

I did that beside a friend's daughter who told me she was contained by rehab for herion. She said to me... don;t hate me. I looked at her and said "You are still the little girl I bounced on my knees. and you always will be." Her meakness go away and her smile returned. because I kept the real her contained by my heart. I told her she had to work on herself... close to we all do... but she is still the little girl I would babysit.

Good luck.

I am an 18 year old-fashioned virgin, and my hymen won't break!my boyfriend has tried so plentiful times and it doesn't work

Well just come contained by with a loving attitude. Look into her eyes and articulate "I love you." Plain and simple like that. And don't speak anything more when you say that. Ask her if she wants anything and after about a partially an hour ask if she wants you to disappear, you don't want to be too pushy. And bring up different subjects other than what happen. And don't stop talking. Say anything. Bring in stuff she likes to read or things resembling that. Make her feel at home.

I used to be athletic within grade institution and now I want to lose counterbalance!?

tell hershe'll be ok

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Okay, I am telling you what I love audible range from my boyfriend when I get self-mutilating. Just recount her you love her and that you will be there to aid her and support her. Be completely sincere, we can tell when you truly scrounging it. Just knowing that he is always beside me and supporting me really helps me, give me the strength to fight again. Right presently, while she is in the hospital, remind her to rest and relax. Get the support and support she needs. Tell her that you will attend dream therapy afterword so you can be a strong unit, and better parents. Show her that you are warfare for her, and with her. Good Luck and God Bless you both, she sounds lucky to hold a guy who cares ample to ask how he can help.

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yikes. its best to receive her into support groups when shes allowed out. she will never be able to get the impression better unless she doesn't grieve and accept the things that own happened to her. she desires your support but she also needs her space. and ya she wishes totake care of herself for your child :)

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Just tell her that you love her, and that you will be nearby for her every step through her pregnancy and will be a good father to your child and will other be there for her. Just detail her that.

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Awwww... It's like a love story. Tell her how you really perceive. You don't have to plan anything out. The right words will come out without blemish if you really love her.


i was raped at 14, i know how she feel. sh!t gets overwhelming at times and you freshly feel resembling you want to curl up in a bubble and die. i know what you mean by the consultant not working, the doctors, my parents, and faculty from my institution forced me to go, it didn't minister to me either. merely tell her you love her and that you're other going to be there for her no business what. i feel for you, i really do. my boyfriend go through the same item with me...except i haven't tried to put to death myself yet. we if truth be told had a run-in beside the kid that did it to me in stop and shop and i broke down surrounded by tears and ran out of the store. a moment ago be there for her, I don`t know bring her some roses. if you need some more guidance or just stipulation someone to talk to, have a feeling free to email me. i know what you two are going through, its really tough. but like i said, freshly be there for her and love her. she really requirements your support right now.

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