Is a bacterial vaginal infection contagious?


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Yes, you can pass it to your partner when have sex. I think that it would be best to a moment ago wait till you procure it taken care of and hang about at least 2 days to enjoy sex again just to fashion sure. If he dose get it own him go to the Doc and they'll afford him a cream to clear it up

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depending. i can't tell you a unbroken bunch because i am not a doctor but i do know if you have a yeast infection it can be transmitted as an std.

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Before you dive to conclusions why not visit a gynecologist.

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Yes - if your partner have sex with an infected soul and then next to you or vice versa. Or sometimes - if you get an infection from some other source (unlikely but possible) later you can be reinfected by your partner if he is not treated for the infection, as well.

Please see a doctor and find checked out - any kind of vaginal infection, if vanished untreated, can lead to more problems - close to infertility...

Good luck

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depends what type of bacteria you hold. bacterial vaginosis is not an std but having seriously of sex can give it to you by shifting the ph of the vagina. gonorrhea, on the other hand, is a microbes and that is contagious

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