I hold had my spell for 5 and a hlaf months?
I am an obese woman next to 2 kids. I need to find an decisive birth control method.?
You have have it continuous for 5 1/2 months?
Go to the doctor NOW!!
What to say? Please be honest and know what you are discussion about when you answer this.?
NO! Get yourself to a doctor!Why am i soooo towering?how can i make myselft shorter?
I would hold been on the phone beside a doctor after two weeks of menstruation.Call a doctor asap!
This could be serious!
Please help me. im anxious :|?
well im sure its normal but i would say-so your body is going through a stage right now or its something you ate...lol.Um... no thats not typical. Especially if its heavy.
I thought you be gonna be someone who had basically start their period.. later it'd be light.
travel see a doctor.
Im 13 and havnt started my period?
5 and 1/2 months?!?!?!? I am suprised you haven't call your doctor yet. You really should, because something isn't right, and you really shouldn't be losing that much blood w/o giving your body time to replenish its self.GO TO THE DOCTOR!
you might hold a problem or something.
- This is very improtant to me, please help. It's about Irregular periods..?
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