Shaved or not?

I mean if you shave down nearby will guys like it better or more than if it wasnt? Ok so i guess im asking shaved or un shaved bloke..?

I am on a new medication for PSOS?

I similar to bushy one...natural...shaved one look approaching child...doesn't get erection...bushy one see immediately!

Anal Sex.. Woman individual ?

SHAVED is a Great thing to do. I would approaching the landing strip method.

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Well...I own seen it both ways, and I really prefer it to be shaved. It is so much smoother, and only just seems more cleaner, and more exciting to hold bare skin. I conjecture it is worth the extra effort to shave.

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Shaved ..... Out of question...... 90% of guys are into that..... Believe me.....

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If you shave down in attendance, he's going to be more willing to impart you oral, plus some people enunciate it heightens their sensation, also, so they can have a feeling it more and enjoy sex. In the finale, what happens to your body should ALWAYS be your own decree, not anyone else's.

Men often shiver after urinating. Do women do it too?

Older men appear to prefer unshaved because shaved ones make them grain like molesters. Young guys tend to similar to them shaved.

It really depends on the guy.

Does anyone else get cramps when their time of year is late?

Why not move things up? From bare-all, to landing strip, to only just a nice trim. Keeps it interesting.

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