Anyone know anything almost Birth Control?

Ive been taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo tab for roughly speaking 3 months now.
And my time of year starts about... 4 days back the white pills. (the ones you take while your on your period)
And lately Ive be peeing more and my kidneys hurt no and then usually if I dont turn right away.
And I had a shocking headache the other day.
Stuff similar to that...
Basicly should I be worried?

Will i lose the weight in a minute i'm off my depo?

oral contraceptives provide extreme safety

Does n e 1 here agree?

Go see a doctor.

Isn't unyielding for a girl to get a man if she hold a little bit of stomach flab?

I do

I hold white milky discharge and I'm also having cramps, is my spell coming?

Go to a doctor. Tell them what has be happening. Sometimes ethnic group have doomed to failure reactions to convinced types of birth control. That might be whats happening within this case.

Is it common for me to have tiny Bumps on my areolas?

read your pill information..

they other list side effects.. if those are on the record than they usually tell you if they keep hold of up to tell your dr

Is this strange? psychotherapist?

I would call your doctor and consent to them know what's going on. Not all pills work for everyone. If you are starting too soon after you made need a stronger pill. I don't infer the kidney pain would enjoy anything to do with the bc pill, but I'm not a doctor. I have to change pills 4 times past I found one that worked for me.

Ladies. I need your help out!!?

read the package and see if those are some of the side effects. I be on that for 6 months and it made me gain alot of weight so I switched to yaz.

My poop be green! what does that mean?

If you are urinating more frequently, if it hurts to urinate, and if you hold pain within your back (just below your ribcage on any side of your spine), you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). A UTI is treated beside antibiotics so you WILL have to step see a doctor. UTIs are common contained by women and have zilch to do with birth control. You should speak to the doctor that provided you next to birth control to see if your cycle is normal for that type of birth control. He/she may switch you to another brand if it is determined that the one you are on is not the best one for you.

Girls Only!!?

shouldntv'e done it in the first place best birth control is to not do it till your in position

When a girl has an orgasm does that niggardly she hollered or got really raining?

I take ortho tri cyclen as okay, and stuff like that happen to me. My period starts when I merely have 3 pills departed in the pack, I run through times where I swear I pee more than I usually do, occassionally I gain headaches - migraines since starting the pill. Don't verbs too much about it unless the throbbing gets severe.

When I own sex from the back it hurts, is he doing something wrong or is it me? Is anyone else have this?

Yes, go see a doctor. This may be cause either a kidney infection, bladder infection, or kidney disaster.
And it's important to write down adjectives the symptoms you've been consciousness, just resembling you did right now, so they know what to rule out and whatnot.

How to allay PMS?

Your period starts while you are taking involved pills? Usually it starts while you are a couple-few days into your placebo week [ your white ones.. ] I'd call your doctor and in recent times ask what he/she thinks.

Why womanly genital tend to humid than male's ?

Read this..

Is it past the worst to swim in chlorinated pool near a yeast infection and/or urinary infection?

See your doctor and let him/her know whats going on. Sometimes headache can be a side affect, but if your peeing a lot and kidneys hurt you might enjoy an infection (not neccessarily caused by birth cotrol)

All give or take a few first pierods?

I'd be a bit concerned and I'd go see a doctor. It's unlikely that the birth control pills are cause these symptoms, but it does seem similar to something I'd be concerned about.

Are you sexually moving? Those symptoms could be a sign of a bladder infection or urinary tract infection, both of which can happen if you aren't verbs about intercourse.

Do you drink lots of misty colored sodas and not much water? That can end in the symptoms as well.

There are too lots things that it COULD for anyone who isn't a doctor to figure out.

I'd drop by my Dr., let them know what medication I"m on, including the pill, and let them prefer.

Is it possible to develop cellulite in the upper cut of the arm ?

just phone the doctor and ask

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