What might be some small pimples on a women's nipples?


Ovarian steroids?

If you are referring to small painless bumps on the areola, which are always in attendance, these are called Montgomery Follicles.
They are a regular part of her anatomy. In some women they are tiny and complex to see; in others they are 1-2 mm and effortlessly visible.
These follicles in actuality contain glands, which secrete a small amount of a lubricating fluid.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding these glands and follicles may enlarge for a time, and resemble small pimples. Afterwards, they get smaller but may aways be patent.

Is I possible that Wellbutrin XL is making me have mood swings?

well it could be moles

Orgasm tips?

i dont knwo what they are but they are normal- copious many girls enjoy them

I woke up last nite drenched within sweat. What caused it?

Are you unmistaken they are pimples? They may be hair follicles, or the aftermath of a woman have pulled hair out next to tweezers.

I have have period since April 1,,,this former few days have be extremely heavy,,?

women own small fuzz on their breasts and nipples so it is quite possible those pimples are infected hair. i get infected hair on my chest and on my face when i shave too close. nil to worry going on for unless these pimples get larger and are throbbing.

Sex and why this is happeneing!?

there normal.

and why is a 54 year old-fashioned man answering this?

im scared. shhhhhh!

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