Please, answer my question , i need your backing?

i'm 24 years old , until that time 8 monthes i had sex near my bf for the 1st time , i was virgin , he didnt enter his pen.. totally but i bleed too much in that year , in the second year i had also blood next to pain , i be unable to totter as usual , in the 3rd sunshine i had brown discharge , after that it stopped , 2 days deferred i had my extent .
i'm not sure , is that bleeding coz hymen broken . do u think i hold any hope to be virgin till now . do u suggest i'll bleed again next time .
from that sunshine we didnt have sex again , it is almost 9 months.

Pile answers?

That is faultlessly normal, I bled for a few days after I first have sex, and it hurt for the first few times too.. but after a while it just starts to quality better and better, dont give up...

Hair falling out?

You can't hold sex and still be a virgin. Bleeding is normal, and yes it will probably hurt until you hold it more.

Im having time on the first week of the mnth and the last week of duplicate month. Is tis serious?

no more virginity.

Am I too young to hold an overactive thyroid?

You need to hold someone explain the terms and broad sex education to you. You are NOT a virgin.

Do women really masturbate?

For God's sake don't endow with up. You need to be have sex on a regular basis within order for the experience to be smaller amount painful.

All you own described is normal.


What is considered to be strapping bleeding in a woman's cycle?

have sex again and if what has happen the 1st time is repeated see a doctor

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