My LH is 39.0, FSH 46.5 Estradiol 15, Testosterone, Serum 24, TSH 2.72 & hCG <5.0 am i menopausal?

My last period be January and now its April i had some lab work done LH is 39.0, FSH 46.5 Estradiol 15, Testosterone, Serum 24, TSH 2.72 & hCG <5.0 am i truely menopausal i'm 41yrs. My dr recomended me to start using sottopelle. Can i still conceive using this drug? Or is it not dangerous.

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I've heard a lot of post-menopausal women conceiving next to the aid of anti-diabetes meds. If you're looking to get pregnant, it's something to look into.

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Your levels are a bit funky. Your Luteinizing is lofty and your FSH levels are would indicate that you are menopausal. As far as Estradiol goes, capably I always thought the numbers would be much higher after that even for menopausal women, at least in the impulsive years, but these numbers are not something I am very familiar next to so I am not 100% sure.

Your periods have stopped and from what I know (which is nowhere as much as your OB/GYN or who ever is conducting these test, your blood tests put you in the menopausal stage, the chance of you being able to conceive is low. Although some women do conceive on HRT.

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